
Seventy thousand agents and intensified controls at airports, borders and main roads, including highways. With a view to the Christmas holidays, the Ministry of the Interior launches the closure, with a deployment of 70 thousand agents to which are added the military already involved in the Safe Roads operation. All this, however, “with a sense of balance”, as the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese explained, inviting Italians to “responsibility” not to repeat the “not positive” experience of last summer.
Christmas trips, in the Dpcm the case of section 4 article 1: allowed “return to habitual residence”
Mobile regions, weekend alert of December 18: trains and buses to full house, it will be a getaway to the south
And starting tomorrow, in addition, stores throughout Italy – with the exception of Abruzzo, the only region that is still in red – will open their blinds again, one more reason to be attentive to the rush for gifts and possible meetings . “It will be a Christmas of sacrifices,” the owner of the Viminale explained to SkyTg24 Live in Courmayeur. From the moment we keep the stores open, we do it to safeguard a certain kind of economy. But the owners must also take precautions not to let more people in at the same time. The controls, as the new Dpcm that will come into force as of midnight today, will also cover movements between municipalities and not only between regions. “A necessary sacrifice – underlined Lamorgese – which will then allow us to face the new year with greater security”.
The objective, now declared by numerous government representatives, is not to repeat the mistakes of the summer. For this reason, controls at airports and borders will also be intensified, verifying that all anti-covid measures are respected. Although, at the moment, there are no massive reserves, especially on the railway lines. “You have to be very careful because the experience this summer has not been positive – Lamorgese’s opinion -. We have to avoid a third wave. Apart from the appeals, starting tomorrow we will have to face the inevitable “assaults” on businesses, especially in regions that will abandon the color red and will therefore see the reopening of businesses. Already today in many cities crowds have been reported in the shopping streets, such as in Turin and Rome. In the Piedmontese capital, the anti-crowd guards hired by department stores to control the influx of customers made their debut. “Unfortunately we see that there are human rivers that go towards the centers of the cities”, the bitter observation of the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia, launches an appeal to those who intend to go to the mountains. “Stay still, stay home,” he says. There are avalanche hazards everywhere. Seeing the car snake, despite the weather warning, heading towards the mountain, I wonder what the point is.
And meanwhile, requests from small municipalities that would like to see the rigid measures of the decree multiply, while some governors prepare for the derogations for travel. “Many – says the vice president vicar of Anci, Roberto Pella – will find themselves locked within its borders.” “Uniting a small municipality like that of Cittareale with that of Rome might not be very balanced – says the mayor of the town of Reatino, Francesco Nelli-, it would have been more appropriate to try to reason even for large numbers. I find it very difficult to speak of a congregation in a town of 450 inhabitants and that is why this aspect of the Dpcm must be reviewed, and I ask the Government to do so.
Shopping centers are also protesting and will be forced to close. The Consumers Union speaks of a “bad choice”, while those directly involved argue that the closure “favors the risk of meetings and hinders access to basic needs.” And from Lazio, the Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, invites you to rediscover the local shops. “Shopping under the house – he says – helps fight Covid by avoiding dangerous meetings in large shopping centers. Small businesses are helped without giving the virus an advantage. ‘
Last update: 20:00