I told the majority: “The results in the EU can only promote cohesion.” And Franceschini: “The Pd-M5s alliance is inexorable”


For most, the time for “cohesion” has come. The withdrawal (or appeal) came from Giuseppe Conte, but also from the front Pd with Nicola Zingaretti me Dario Franceschini gathered in live broadcast from Italianieuropei Foundation to talk about the future of the left. “The alliance” between Pd and M5s “is inexorable,” said the Minister of Culture and head of delegation in the government. They heard it, among others, Massimo D’Alema me Matteo Renzi, but the message was mainly for the 5-star allies who, in the last hours, have finished again hostage to internal discontent for the reform of the Month. The problem is the vote on Wednesday, December 9, when the prime minister will appear in the classrooms and make his communications in view of the EU council: he will also talk about the reform of the rescue fund that has already had the approval of the Eurogroup with approval. from Italy. Will the 5 stars lose the marks? Luigi di maio Last night he met with critics in the joint assembly and warned them: “Conte cannot be hanged, the vote will be a vote on the prime minister.” It’s too early to tell if all the souls of the M5s are convinced, but it’s also true that few people really want to put the executive in trouble. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte insists on saying that he is calm and today, in his long interview with Republic, spoke of an Italy that “is showing that it can be with this government protagonist in Europe“It is his message to the majority: the EU and the Recovery Fund, as a new amalgam of government action. “This awareness cannot fail to favor the cohesion between the majority political forces and within them ”, he said. And this push for “cohesion”, which comes from Conte, at least from the left, is shared. “The photograph of the political field of the center left is not adequate, an effort is needed because now there is an open space but the times are not very great,” said the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza.

The meeting of Italian-Europeans and the balance of the Giallorossi government – The Zoom conference brought together the heavyweights of the center left, invited by Massimo D’Alema and its Italianieuropei foundation. Objective: the comparison on the 15 months of the Giallorossi government and, above all, on the prospects of a stable alliance with the pentastellati. Some thirty years of the center-left gathered in a zoom screen: two ex-prime minister, splinters, the current secretary of the Democratic Party, key men in the Conte government, friends and former (perhaps) enemies. Title of the meeting: “The construction site of the left”. That is, what to do with the center-left field after the pandemic. And D’Alema himself started from a bitter observation about the past, admitting that “the experience of Democratic party it was not successful, but here we are: we represent a large part of society and the government, and from here we can start over ”. Many guests connected: there was the former prime minister Matteo renzi (who stood out in his short-sleeved, stand-up collar shirt), but also the former prime minister Giuliano Amato and the ‘guru’ dem Goffredo Bettini. Then the vice president of Emilia Romagna Elly schlein, political science Nadia urbinati and the journalist Ida Dominijanni. All, although with different tonalities, have promoted the majority of Pd-M5s also supported by Leu and Italia viva. And each one tried to give their solution for the future.

Franceschini’s words for “an inexorable alliance” – These are very delicate phases for the executive: there is not only the second wave of the pandemic or the arrival of the Christmas holidays to manage, but also an alliance that will be maintained with regard to the management of the Recovery Fund. And the words of Dario Franceschini are fundamental in this sense: “Through this experience of the pandemic and also in light of the pressure that Italy has exerted on Europe, this government alliance has become an alliance only against, into something unitary, of shared values “said the minister. “Something else is forging, so that this broadens the field of interlocutors ”.

For Franceschini, the horizon of action goes beyond this legislature: “This alliance is inexorable if we want to rule again“He said,” the only question is whether to do it before or after the vote, given that our field alone reaches a maximum of 30%. The right wing has fed the fears and offers protection to those fears. Let’s imagine how big these fears will be after Covid. Either we have downplayed those fears, but they are real, or we have pursued the law on issues where they are strongest, like immigration. On the other hand, there are fears against which we are much more capable of giving answers, I think in the health system, at work. The dangerous division is the elite people. If we lock ourselves in the spaces of the elite, we lose. We must try to respond to people’s fears ”.

Franceschini also expressed his satisfaction with what has been done in recent months, with the achievements: “We have seen political changes in Europe deep and unimaginable until a few months ago. The crisis was addressed with deeply leftist criteria: redistribution, protection of the weakest, social safety nets. And we have done these things not with a government of Pd but with a government that has joined forces of the left with forces that are in an indeterminate phase, big changes, the 5 stars have lost half of the votes. However, we have brought to the government policies that are in our field with a lot of attention to equity and not to abandon anyone ”. Franceschini is certain that it is being forged “anything else“Of a simple alliance and” I think that in the discussion on the issues that we are doing today the field must be expanded. Not because it is a center-left, at least it is not yet, but because this alliance is inexorable if we want to govern again ”. The minister calls for awareness of the current situation: “The only issue that changes is whether to make an alliance before or after the election, because it will be difficult for us to have a majority in the House and Senate when our field, with its divisions, does not even reach the 30 per cent“.

Zingaretti: “We must not go back to the pre-Covid phase. The populist siren of hatred proved ineffective “ – Even Nicola Zingaretti, always speaking at the meeting of Italian-Europeans, spoke of the future of this alliance that Franceschini defined as “inexorable”: “It is clear that a new stage must be opened in which it is undoubtedly necessary to define more strongly and more ability for Involvement, political thinking, vision of those forces that must and can be rebuilt not with organizational engineering but within and with a vision “, said Zingaretti.” And what is the lowest common denominator? I have it very clear: we don’t have to go back to the pre-Covid seasonFor that lost normality it was not satisfactory and it was not ours ”. To do this, according to Zingaretti, we must not go back to where we were before: “Then the whole government works must not have the horizon to go back to the previous seasonThat must be the spark that may be most involved in the awareness that there is an objective: to build a different balance because that normality made of economic stagnation, blocking of social mobility, of a rigid and bureaucratic state, was not acceptable. That after being built, hope must be reopened beyond that closed horizon, that calm ”. And finally Zingaretti spoke of the “populist siren”: “I see a positive space: the populist siren of hatred proved ineffective and instrumental in the face of Covid, anti-Europeanism is not the solution, there is a difficulty in the sovereign and populist recipes “, but” it will not last, and it will be necessary to be able to make a proposal that, however, cannot propose the starting point of January 2020 This is the issue, we must return to a foundation of our Constitution, Article 3 that shows us the way, to eliminate economic and social obstacles “.

D’Alema: “We haven’t argued together for a long time. The collaboration with the 5 stars is correct, but now we can expand the field “ – “It’s been a long time since we had an argument together.” Massimo D’Alema thus began his speech. For D’Alema Giallorossi’s government is an experiment that had to be done“It was good to live the collaboration between the democratic left and that force, the 5 stars, which represented a form of gentle populism that tried to accompany it in government. It was a forced election, the center-left could not evade this task because democracy is being strengthened ”. For this reason, D’Alema said: “I give a positive judgment, I am a supporter of the government however, it is not enough, because it is quite clear that there is a need for political action that goes further, that proposes a vision of the future of the country. There must be a political force that, beyond the emergency, has a narrative, a vision ”. And if for Renzi “only the center can win”, for D’Alema that idea “which was ours, made sense in a different society where the idea of ​​the center also corresponded to a social center but the impoverishment of the middle class” led to a social radicalization ”. “I would say that before the nationalist and sovereign regression” the answer, adds D’Alema, may be that of “a wide democratic field was formed in Europe around Ursula Van Der Leyen that it tried to relaunch the pro-European project before the nationalist regression. But that democratic field is weak without the left ”. “We all believed that the ambition of the majority could be interpreted as a blurring of our identity. Now the result is that by persecuting 51% we have lost 30% of the country that would need a great left party ”.

Renzi invites us to look at the center like Biden. Schlein: “He’s in the White House thanks to movements like Black Lives Matter, center-left questioning himself” – Matteo Renzi, former prime minister of the Democratic Party and now leader of Italia Viva, appeared at the meeting wearing a short-sleeved shirt and faced with the general climate of pushing for a structural alliance with the 5 stars, reiterated the importance of “governing in centering “. As, according to him, Biden did in the United States. “Maybe this is good because repairing such a divided country will take patient work, he will know how to do it,” he said. The vice-president of Emilia-Romagna disagrees Elly schlein, she also ex dem but left the party to go left. Biden, according to him, will go to the White House thanks “to the great mobilization of social movements like Black Lives Matter.” So, back in Italy, it is not yet the time to rejoin a great center-left party, which “has not yet given a clear signal that it wants to question itself, despite some steps forward,” said Schlein. .
