
Florence, December 5, 2020 – With the Tuscany in the orange zone, it is still impossible to move to other municipalities other than yours if it were not for reasons of need or work. But the ordinance issued by the Tuscany Region, which clarifies some aspects of the new dpcm, also specifies those cases in which it will be possible to move to another municipality. These are these cases, as specified in a post on the Facebook page of the Tuscany region.
Displacements to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile are allowed:
In neighboring municipalities for products necessary for their needs or for greater economic convenience, also to access restaurants with take away food;
In neighboring municipalities to use, in the case of a consolidated fiduciary relationship, activities and services to the person (for example, hairdressers, beauticians, body shops)
Visiting the children with the other parent, even in municipalities in different areas;
For the care of the land and the activity aimed at production for self-consumption;
Reach second homes, motorhomes or caravans, own boats for maintenance and necessary and urgent repairs throughout the Region;
For professional truffle and mushroom picking activities;
Take care of farm animals.
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