
Matteo salvini me Matteo renzi they have been guests of SkyTg24, protagonist of a live broadcast in which he gave space to all the main political exponents. The secretary of the Northern League and the former prime minister met face to face, although not physically, but in times of Covid it is difficult to do otherwise, and the first to provoke was the leader of Italia Viva. What, arguing Me, indulged in one of his usual acrid ironies: “Deep down, I’m delighted that Salvini has started studying European standards.” Then he also launched an excavation to Giorgia Meloni: “If they give us 37 billion it is not as you say, we should not cut elsewhere. They give us the money to spend on health care, period. We ask them not because we are geniuses but because we have public debt, also because someone from the previous government did it. fee 100 putting the State accounts in difficulties with pensions… ”.

In this point Salvini interrupted him, fed up with the constant provocations: “Woe to that of reaching 100 to return to Fornero: on this we will make the barricades inside and outside Parliament.” Renzi, however, did not collapse and replied the following: “I did not interrupt you, I made you speak and I respected you. Now let me speak and if you think that an evocation of the barricades scares me… ”. Then Salvini took revenge when Sky’s poll confirmed the Lega as the first Italian fan and the majority of the center-right: “We will give our contribution to get out of the emergency. I leave the debate on remodeling and chairs to Di Maio, Renzi and Zingaretti ”.