What can be done from Sunday, December 6


You can travel without self-certification, but only within the limits of the curfew and within the territory of your municipality of residence, while travel to other municipalities or other regions is prohibited (except in cases of urgency, work and necessity); shops may reopen, but restaurants and bars will remain closed. As of Sunday, December 6, “flexibilization” of the measures to combat contagion in Campania: the region is no longer the red zone for Covid but it becomes the orange zone, therefore it presents a moderate-high risk. The official announcement arrived yesterday, at this time the signature of the Minister of Health is expected Roberto Speranza.

Campania becomes the orange zone: what changes

With different classification (as of December 6) in Campania it will no longer be forbidden to leave home; the rules for him Covid Orange Zone in fact, provide that you can move freely in your municipality of residence (although travel is not recommended) without the need for certification, while you cannot move to other municipalities or other regions (except in cases of urgency, work / study and necessity, exceptions always provided in the Dpcm). The curfew is still in effect: you have to stay home from 10pm to 5am

Stores can reopen, but bars and restaurants are still closed 7 days a week. Take-out is allowed until 10pm, while there are no time limits for home delivery. Stores within shopping centers must be closed on holidays and before holidays (only pharmacies, parapharmacies, food outlets, tobacconists and kiosks can be opened). The games rooms, the betting rooms, the bingo and the slot machines (also in bars and tobacconists) remain closed. The regulations against contagion also provide for the closure of museums and exhibitions, as well as swimming pools, gyms, theaters and cinemas, while sports centers can open.

Regarding the school, teaching is remote for high school students (with the exception of students with disabilities and in the case of use of labs) and is available for preschool, elementary and middle schools. Colleges are closed (except for some freshman activities and labs). Public transport is reduced to 50% (excluding school transportation).

Why Campania becomes the orange zone of Covid

There are several parameters that are taken into account for the classification of regions according to Covid risk. Among these, one of the main ones is undoubtedly the Rt factor, which is the contagion rate (it is essentially the “old” R0 factor, with the difference that it is measured after the implementation of the containment measures). In Italy, the mean Rt factor is 0.91, while in Campania it is 0.74.

Another aspect, that of the beds. The Government has set the critical intensive care occupancy threshold 30%; in Campania (656 places available for all pathologies, of which 166 occupied by Covid patients) the percentage is 25.3%. In recent days, finally, the relationship between new positives and the number of swabs carried out has also decreased: on December 1 it was 9.32%, on December 2 it was 9.29% and on December 3, 8, 81% (since October 18 it had never fallen below the 10% threshold, with a high of 21.53% on November 2).
