M5 Assembly on reform Mes, Di Maio to dissidents: “Conte cannot be hanged, irresponsible to vote against”


The 5 Star Movement will oppose the activation of the Month in every way, but will not hamper the reform package. To reiterate the line was the ruling political leader Vito Crimi opening of the joint assembly of M5 parliamentarians: an appointment expected also because it comes at a time of tension for the Movement. On December 9, the premier Giuseppe Conte will make its communications to the Chamber in view of the next EU council and a group of M5 parliamentarians could not vote in favor of the government precisely in protest of the reform of the Month: approved by the Eurogroup earlier in the week with a green light from Italy, it ended up in the crosshairs of some M5 dissidents who sent a letter protest (about 58 deputies). To lend a hand to criticism today has also come Beppe Grillo who in his blog reiterated the no to “Useless” and “inappropriate” month and instead relaunched ilfattoquotidiano.it’s proposal to ask for a contribution from the super-rich. Vito Crimi (and the entire government wing) however, reiterated to his followers that one thing does not exclude the other: not to obstruct the reform of the Month, does not mean asking for its activation. Hypothesis that at the moment is not in the plans of the prime minister and the government. The head of delegation and Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede also intervened in support of Crimi: “The anti-Mes letter weakened Conte,” he said during the assembly. Shortly after, Luigi Di Maio also spoke asking for “responsibility”: “Don’t take Conte to the gallows,” he said.

There were no shortage of protests during the meeting on the Zoom platform. According to reports from the Adnkronos agency, the deputy Manuela cordaAmong the signatories of the anti-Mes letter, he criticized the management of the confrontation with harsh words: “This is fascism. A management that does not allow us to express ourselves. Just two and a half minutes. I appreciate Luigi (Di Maio, ed). Now you want a mandate and you want to impose yourself“. My colleague is also critical Francesco Forciniti, another signatory of the letter of discord: “You gave Bonafede and Di Maio half an hour without cross-examination to make speeches, without data but only expressing their opinion. Don’t even let us talk. So I don’t vote for her (the resolution, ed)! Hi”.

Crimi: “We don’t like the MES, but we will not hinder the reform”
“We said it in many ways,” Crimi began to speak to his followers. “The Month is an instrument that we do not like, obsolete and potentially harmful, and not even the reform is up to the task of facing a situation like Covid.” And, specifically, he reiterated that “we do not like the reform of the ESM, of course, but I said that we will not obstruct it if all the other European countries go in that direction. they are the same European countries with which we find ourselves playing a much more complex game for the future of the EU, a game to achieve a broader vision ”. Then he guaranteed: “With us in government, the Month will never be activated and tomorrow we will always be in the front line to prevent it from being activated. Even in the Democratic Party, in the most authoritative European thinkers and among economists, they are saying clearly that the Month, even with this reform, will not be able to measure up to the EU of the future. That is also why we will not use it ”.

Regarding relations with Europe, Crimi said: “The M5 has chosen to be critical of some European assets but not anti-European. In other words, it has decided to try to change the EU from within. Certainly, this cannot be done alone, or in a short time ”. According to Crimi, it is necessary to realize the progress that has been made in Europe in recent months: “Let’s focus on this overview of Europe today, which gives us back an EU in which so many epochal changes are already taking place. But in the introduction, to make sense of these changes, let’s go back over a few steps. “This is how it began in February, when” the authorized exponents of the EU commission limited themselves to saying that all the necessary flexibility was already present in the Stability. “And,” at the end of March, the only answer package prepared by the EU relied only on MES, Sure and Bei loans“Even starting from this scenario, said Crimi, we achieved” the suspension of the stability pact. “Then,” the ECB announced the pandemic plan to purchase government bonds (Pepp) from 750 billion, but later expanded it to 1,350 billion, at the same time making it clear that it can go further. “And” the strict rules on state aid have been suspended. “Finally,” the Recovery Fund was launched, a real result achieved in the EU after there was practically nothing on the plate at the end of March. “Then Crimi drew a parallel with the countries that are blocking the recovery fund:” In Europe we criticize the attitude of Poland, Hungary and Slovenia, which are blocking the work of the recovery plan, a fundamental tool for us, if not essential, to ensure a sustainable future for our country. In this case, Italy runs the risk of doing the same as them in reforming the ESM. Assuming we won’t activate the Month ”.

For this, Crimi added, Conte needs the full support of the Movement: “We are all aware of the importance of supporting government action in such a difficult historical moment for the country. And we are all convinced that it is necessary to give the maximum support to President Conte, who should be able to go to Europe with a clear mandate, with the support of Parliament and the country, as already happened with the Recovery Fund ”. In Conte “we have the utmost confidence because he has shown that he has always known how to defend and look after the interests of our country in the best possible way, and that he has brought more results from Europe than anyone before him.”

Bonafede: “The anti-Month letter has weakened Conte”
Head of delegation Bonafede also intervened to try to reunite the group. The letter from the anti-Mes Grillini parliamentarians “was interpreted externally as if we had Conte in our sights … this weakens him in the eyes of all and of Europe,” he said according to the Adnkronos agency. “Conte does not deserve this because he is a consistent and capable person. The comparison is done in another way and by other means. I ask them to represent their requests by comparing themselves internally ”. In short, it was “divisive”. “With this method it becomes impossible to work and it becomes difficult to govern. It was a serious mistake, it weakened the Movement against the other allied parties. I respect the motivation, but not the method ”. And he concluded: “We must be compact and support our Prime Minister.”

Di Maio: “You can’t take Conte to the gallows”
In defense of the government also the former political leader Luigi di maio: “Italy needs stability. We have to give it to him. You can’t hang Conte. Whoever does not vote for that resolution will vote against the president of the Council of Ministers and his government who go to the courtroom to ask for the confidence of Parliament to go to Europe also to negotiate the release of the Recovery Fund funds. I find him frankly crazy and irresponsible ”. Then he added: “In the Chamber there will be no vote to access the Month. Is a lie. The Prime Minister of Eurosummit will have to express his opinion on the reform. A reform that I myself defined pejorative and that had to be stopped years ago. But the figures to be approved in parliament are not there. We are in the government of the seventh world power, in a phase like the one we are experiencing it takes a great sense of responsibility. Let’s not fall into the traps of those who want us to be weak, of those who work only to beat us ”.
