Christmas, what can we do and what is prohibited: free until December 21 and then everyone at home


The new dpcm in force since yesterday introduces new restrictions during the Christmas holidays, from the prohibition of moving between the regions between December 21 and January 6 to even more stringent ones for January 25, 26 and 1. But what can I do exactly?

Can I leave my region?

It is possible to move freely between regions in the yellow band until December 20, while self-certification is required for oranges and reds. However, from December 21 to January 6 it is forbidden to leave the regions, whatever their color, even if all of Italy will be the yellow zone. You can only leave for proven reasons, work, health, need and with the relative self-certification. Urgent reasons also include assistance to a non-self-sufficient person. However, you can always leave to return to your “residence, domicile or domicile”. It means that those between the ages of 21 and 6 who are in a different region than where they reside or have their domicile will still be able to return there.

Can we move from one municipality to another?

In the yellow regions you can always leave your municipality of residence, but the dpcm provides for more prohibitions for December 25, 26 and January 1: you will not be able to leave your municipality. You can do this for work, health, or need “proven needs” only and with self-certification. It is always allowed to return to one’s residence, domicile or domicile.

Can I leave my commune at Christmas to visit relatives?

The dpcm does not allow it, not even for the cases of small and isolated municipalities, for which protests had arisen and the Scientific Technical Committee itself had requested an exception. But leaving the municipality itself, they informed the government, to go to an elderly and lonely person or sick relatives is one of the reasons of “necessity” for which marriage is allowed. Travel to reach family members living in a different region is not allowed if there are no reasons of necessity. Couples who live in two different places for work reasons can get together.

Can I go to the mountain house?

You can move to a second home within your region as long as the region is in the yellow band by December 20. Between January 21 and 6, it is forbidden to “move to second homes” even if it is in the yellow band. It is always allowed to go to second homes for urgent reasons, but it must be specified in the self-certification (breakdown in the building or similar). However, the stay must be limited “in accordance with strictly functional terms and methods to compensate for such situations.”

Is it possible to have lunch out at Christmas and San Esteban?

Lunches are always allowed even at Christmas. The restaurants and bars in the yellow regions will remain open until 6 pm No closure on December 25, Santo Stefano and Epiphany.

Are the hotels open?

The hotels are open, but with the ban on travel between regions as of December 21, they will only be able to accommodate clients from the area. Dinners or parties are not allowed: the hotel restaurants will close at 6:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, it will only be possible to dine in the room.

And are you going on vacation abroad?

To discourage holidays abroad on snow, the dpcm states that as of December 21, anyone who returns to Italy from another country will have to undergo quarantine. A way to discourage outbound tourism given that in our country the ski resorts remain closed but not those of neighboring Switzerland and Slovenia.
