Victims: chronically ill, mean age 81 years. Why Covid kills more in Italy


Rome, December 5, 2020 – Doctors in the trenches, there is little to rejoice in the holidays. Italy, in the statistics of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic, is among the first in the world in number of victims in relation to population. We have had 96 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, behind Belgium, which has 149 and behind Spain, which with 98 deaths from Covid-19 lives in a situation very similar to ours. But given that our stats are not inflated, and even others don’t cheat with the numbers, why do we owe this sad record in terms of grief? Massimo Puoti, director of infectious diseases at the Niguarda hospital in Milan, in front of the umpteenth war bulletin, cuts short: “We have a health system that has worked by doing the wedding with dried figs, we were at the limit, there are those who Cut the cuttable territorial medicine and prevention ended in …

Rome, December 5, 2020 – Doctors in the trenches, there is little to rejoice in the holidays. Italy, in the statistics of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic, classifies ai first places in the world for number of victims relative to population. We have had 96 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, behind Belgium, which has 149 and behind Spain, which with 98 deaths from Covid-19 lives in a situation very similar to ours. But since our stats are not inflated, and even others don’t cheat with the numbers, why do we owe this sad record in terms of grief?

Massimo puoti, director of infectious diseases at the Niguarda hospital in Milan, in front of another war bulletin, he cuts: “We have a health system that worked by making the wedding with dried figs, we were on the limit, there are those who can cut territorial medicine and prevention at the bottom of the priority list to invest in. ”To top it off, it takes years to train new recruits, careers for doctors in Italy are unattractive, and many recent graduates have fled abroad.“ Deaths from coronavirus say that our system has important critical problems regarding the effectiveness of healthcare organizations: the manager adds to the dose Giovanni monchiero, former president of Fiaso, Federation of hospitals, in addition, the ability of governments to intervene and compliance with the rules also play a role. For example, the Germans are more disciplined. “

So the virus also kills in Germany, but to a much lesser extent, for various reasons. But there is also the age factor. The Italian population that died due to Covid-19 “has an average age of 81 and 90 percent had various previous pathologies “, highlighted the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro. In intensive care, the age of the patients is always in a range of around 70, with more men than women ”.

A study carried out in Treviso, reports the director of the sanitary company, Francesco Benazzi, shows that the virus almost always acts as a trigger for compromised health situations. No one is immune, so to speak, but most of the people missing from Covid-19 have, depending on the case, a condition of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, cancer. We are talking about people with chronicity who would have continued for years, then the virus enters and changes the cards on the table.

The analysis of Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of Simit, the Italian Society for Infectious Diseases: “It is difficult to understand why the fatality rate in Italy is so high compared to other countries in the world. Given that the therapeutic strategies used are the same”, says the recognized professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata – there could be three factors that affect First: in Italy there is one very advanced longevity. Second: many weak patients receive treatment even in an advanced stage of disease, this allows them to survive, but in other countries they would have difficulties. Finally, the third factor could depend on the fact that patients arrive in Italy too late to hospitalization “.

Marco Tinelli, an infectious disease specialist at Auxologico in Milan, believes that deaths in patients over 75 years of age with many concomitant ailments and pathologies weigh in the Italian statistics. “In addition, local medicine has been abandoned – adds Tinelli- never integrated with the rest of the health system. This situation makes it difficult to diagnose, follow-up and early care at the home of the infected, often without support ”.

Raised on the role of family doctors, Claudio CricelliPresident Simg (Italian Society of General Medicine) says that the deaths are the result of a long-standing disease, different from case to case by age and sex. “Compared to Phase 1, apparently we have a very high death toll, but actually lower in percentage compared to the total number of cases. Suffice it to say that since the third week of September we have had peaks of up to 4 thousand cases per day compared to a few thousand in March-April. Therefore, the fatality rate of Covid-19 has decreased enormously thanks to the increase in asymptomatic positives to the radical improvement of criteria for diagnosis and timeliness of treatment. “So the statistics speak of a painful past, but now we have left the worst for ours. back.
