theGet out of hugs‘in the RSA: say that this is the Ministry of Health, which in a circular on visits by relatives of the elderly in social welfare structures, specifies that solutions such as the’ Hug Room ‘should be implemented “Safe physical contact can benefit guests in general and the cognitively weak in particular.”

They go developed and disseminated, the circular emphasizes, «good practices in contact management and the social network of the guests, both in person and remotely, and ways of evaluating their impact in terms of effectiveness and safety. Therefore, the health departments must develop a detailed plan that ensures the possibility of face-to-face visits and remote contacts in favor of the guests of the structures.

However, for the different types of solutions identified, “suitable protocols, in particular, for example, in reference to hygiene measures to be observed and the protection devices that must be used, in order to guarantee the containment of the risk and the safety of the guests, workers, volunteers and visitors.

QUICK TESTS FOR FAMILIES The Ministry’s circular on family visits also provides for rapid antigen testing for family members who wish to visit their invited relatives at the RSA. To “restore and facilitate safe access for visitors, as already exists in some Regions, it is recommended to promote immediate detection strategies” with rapid antigen tests to family members. These tests can be performed directly on the site and, with negative results, visitors can access the structure according to the prompts.
Last Updated: Friday, December 4, 2020, 6:36 PM