Florence, December 4, 2020 – “We have identified five high alert areas in the city which are the areas where there is a greater concentration of commercial and artisan activities, where it will be concentrated christmas shopping. In these areas we will improve controls in terms of meetings. The controls will be activated from December 6 until Christmas Day on weekends, December 8 and 24 with special attention in the hours 13-19 when there is a greater influx of people. There will be days and hours with a red dot. “The mayor of Florence said so Darius Nardella, during a direct on Facebook.
To avoid meetings, the Florence City Council will also use a software capable of detecting the number of people present in a certain area of the city. This is one of the measures established during the public order and security commission that met today in the prefecture. According to what was explained by the prefecture and the municipality in a joint statement, the strengthening of anti-crowd controls, which will affect in particular the five maximum alert zones identified by the commission, “will be activated, from December 6 until Christmas Day, on weekends and on December 8 and 24, with special attention to the time slot 13-19, when the influx of people is greater ”.
More controls are also foreseen in the shopping centers of the metropolitan area. “Large-scale retail has been invited – the prefecture and the municipality know this – to sensitize users about the use of reservation systems, so as to minimize the risk of parking outside the points of sale.” “The prefect and the mayor of Florence – continues the statement – together with the mayors of the metropolitan area, call on the community to observe the maximum respect for anti-contagion measures, especially in the current period of Christmas holidays, with the awareness that the responsibility of each one is a guarantee for the health of others. Only with the collaboration of all can we avoid encountering a new growth of infections “.
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