Faq Dpcm, what can and cannot be done at Christmas. All you need to know


Is it possible to move from one Region to another during the Christmas holidays?
From Monday 21 to Wednesday 6 January it will be forbidden to move from one region to another: movements allowed only for reasons of work, health, urgency and necessity, a concept that, interpreted with some elasticity, will allow understanding few exceptions to allow reunification family. However, it is always possible to return to one’s residence, domicile or home.

Can we move between the municipalities?
Yes, except for the days marked in red on the calendar, namely December 25 and 26 and January 1. These days you will not be able to leave the territory of your municipality, no matter how large it is. It applies to both large metropolitan cities and small towns. Also in this case, with the self-certification in hand, you can travel for work, health, need and urgency reasons. As of January 7, the movements will once again be free. However, it is always possible to return to one’s residence, domicile or home.

Is assistance to an elderly person in difficulty considered a cause that justifies the prohibited movement?

To go find an elderly relative who lives in another region or even in another Municipality, you can resort to the state of need, as it has always been during the emergency shutdown. Assistance to an elderly person in difficulty is considered a cause that justifies the prohibited movement. But the knot to solve is not insignificant: how many people will be able to move? Will the child who travels to visit the elderly parent take his family unit? On the other hand, the return to the home or home will allow the reunification of distant couples who periodically live together in a house. However, the prime minister’s frequently asked questions will clear up the dark spots.

Will the curfew remain in force in all Regions?
Throughout the holiday period, the curfew will remain in force in the Regions, regardless of the color of the area in which they are located (probably yellow, since RT is falling everywhere). Therefore, it will not be possible to leave the house without a justified reason from 22:00 to 17:00. For New Year’s Eve, the curfew hours will change and are extended from 10 to 7 in the morning, to prevent people who have participated in parties and parties at home, which among other things would not be allowed, from leaving after 5 to return to their homes. .

What time will the masses take place?
Masses on December 24 will be held at a time that respects the curfew, so they will be a few hours ahead of tradition. In addition, more functions will be organized at Christmas to avoid meetings within churches.


The new Dpcm, from restaurants to shopping and travel: discover what you can do (and what not) during the holidays

curated by Paola Cipriani

If I go abroad when I come back, I have to do what quarantine?
From December 21 to January 6, Italians who leave the national territory, upon their return, must stay at home for fourteen days, except for those who, of course, move for work or study reasons or who are framed in certain categories normally exempt from order restrictions, diplomatic personnel. Mandatory quarantine also for foreigners arriving for tourism.

I am an Italian living abroad, do I have to quarantine myself if I go home?
Exemptions for Italians who return from abroad to their residence, domicile or home or for those who come for work, necessity or emergency reasons. Depending on the countries of origin (whose lists are being updated) the requirements change: in some areas the closure is maintained, in others it will be necessary to arrive with a negative swab done within 48 hours.

Can I organize a party with family or friends?
Parties are prohibited in public, private and even homes. Nightclubs closed, no dancing, no moving celebrations of any kind in hotels as many have done in recent days to circumvent bans and the closure of bars and restaurants at night. For the rest, the Dpcm contains the strong recommendations that were already contained in the previous decrees: the invitation is not to receive people other than the cohabitants at home and, in any case, always keep the mask even in private homes in the presence of other people . people. No number of people is indicated for party evenings since the privacy of homes is guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, the police will not be able to knock on the door unless a crime is reported, such as disturbing public order.

Covid, Conte illustrates the restrictions of the new Dpcm: “Do not travel on Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve”

Is it possible to have lunch in restaurants on vacation?
Lunch at the restaurant during the holidays is safe. On December 25, 26, January 1 and 6 you can go out. Of course, the rules of the guidelines that restaurants and bars must apply are always valid, starting with the number of diners: no more than four at the same table unless they are all part of the same family. To be clear, a family of parents and four children living in the same house can sit together at a table for six.

Will the clubs continue to close at 6pm?
The rooms always close without exception at night, from 6:00 p.m.
Only those who work with take-out food (until 10 at night) or with the house will remain open.

And will hotels still be able to guarantee restaurant service?
The hotels (those that consider it sustainable) remain open everywhere with the possibility of nightly catering service to their clients. But there is no New Year’s Eve dinner. On the night of the 31st, from 6:00 p.m., only room service.

Will the stores stay open even after 6pm?

There will be more time for shopping in the days leading up to Christmas and leading up to Epiphany. The government has decided that the stores can remain open until 9:00 p.m. from today until January 6. The rule is valid in all Regions except those in the red zone. They also try to avoid meetings in crowded places on certain days, like shopping malls. Therefore, on weekends and all holidays in these structures only food stores can remain open.

When will the school reopen?
On January 7 we go back to school. In secondary schools there will be a 75 percent rate of students in the classroom,

Instead, the second and third averages will once again have a 100 percent presence. We think of staggered income between 7 and 9.

Will the universities reopen?

Colleges will also reopen on January 7 and will immediately be able to offer exams and graduation sessions in person and organize the use of libraries and archives for students with a reservation system.

When can we go back to skiing?

To meet the requests of the northern regions, the Dpcm foresees the reopening of the plants as of January 7, but only after the approval of the guidelines that the Committee will prepare in the coming days. scientific technician.
