Coronavirus, the data: 24,009 new cases with 206 thousand swabs. The dead today are 814


am 24099 the new cases of coronavirus checked today in Italy on 206059 pads carried out. THE dead registered today are 814, slightly below 993 Confirmed deaths yesterday: the record from the beginning pandemic. After the last two days,incidence of the new people who tested positive for the number of tests performed had been stable Alabama 10 percent, today it rises slightly to11.7%.

However, the comparison of the weekly trend is still encouraging: between Monday me Friday confirmed cases are 103,760, the first 5 days of last week had been 129 thousand. the release of verified positives compared to the average of the last month is 33%. The comparison with 7 days ago says that the positivity rate has dropped by one percentage point (it was 12.7%), while the number of deceased remained constant.

the balance between inputs and outputs in intensive care is negative in 30 units and also the decrease in hospitalized in ordinary wards: there are 31,200, 572 less compared to the day before. Actually i am 757,702 positive people in our country – this is also a decrease of 2280 units. THE healed am 25,576. Since yesterday, the newsletter of the Ministry of Health has also provided data on admissions to intensive care, where they are currently hospitalized. 3567 patients. In fact, if today the balance is negative (-30), they are still 201 all over Italy people who needed treatment more intensive.

The Region that does the daily check-in in TI is the Apulia (42 patients), followed by Lombardy (36) e Veneto (22). The largest number of new cases is again recorded by Lombardy, with 4,533 contagion ensure. In the region there are also 147 dead and 822 patients with Covid in intensive care (-14 compared to yesterday). In Veneto, on the other hand, they are today 3,708 the new positive aspects and the balance between intensive input and output increase (albeit by 2 units). More than 2 thousand new cases also detected in Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna. The worst trend in the contagion curve is recorded in Apulia and in Friuli Venezia Giulia. In the first today 1,419 new infections in 9,480 swabs (incidence at fifteen%). In FVG, however, there have been more than a thousand new cases: there are 1,040 compared to 722 yesterday, despite the decrease in the number of tests carried out.

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