
Francesco Storace
Only one does not shut up and must be recognized. But that the confusion in the government about Covid and its surroundings is attested, at best, by a story that if the center-right had been in the Palazzo Chigi, the entire political and editorial left would have mobilized.
In particular about the bad history of the WHO, with the maneuvers of Ranieri Guerra and everything we have learned from television about a pandemic plan that had even stopped in 2006. Sponsorship attempts by the Italian government, which donated millions to the international body . The pretense of changing dates and lightening the trials. A report that was published and disappeared in 24 hours. And neither Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte nor Health Minister Roberto Speranza have found a way to clarify what happened in relations with the WHO, explain the ambiguities found or demand explanations to safeguard the name of Italy, except to stammer something on TV .

And Pierpaolo Sileri, Deputy Minister of Health, clearly states that what should have been said has not been said. Speaking to the microphones of the program “Italy has awakened” on Radio Cusano Campus, the exponent of the Five stars spoke honestly: “It is said that Italy was not prepared, but we saw that no one was prepared when this virus has arrived. That the anti-pandemic plan was too old is true, I think some explanation should be given from this point of view. I think we just have to give an interview to explain what happened, what was done, what are the loopholes, I don’t think there are secrets. WHO? There were some problems of communication, of directives, but everything must be proportional to the fact that we are facing an event that never happened. It is clear that there is some doubt, some perplexity, my advice is to explain what happened with transparency ” .

Which, said by those who remain in the Ministry of Health every day, is certainly sincere but also serious. Because it means admitting that it can be a scandal, getting out of it, holding others responsible. Of course, being calm in this climate is not easy for Italians.
If it is the Deputy Minister of Health who rightly has doubts about what happened, how can it be expected that he does not have the opposition or the same public opinion?

We use the same word as Sileri: “Transparency.” It is time to practice it. Starting with Minister Speranza. What should Ranieri Guerra say about the whole thing? Also because every day the perplexities about the management of the fight against Covid by his ministry, along with the one that has combined the presidency of the Council, increase.