In Abruzzo and four other regions, restrictive measures have been renewed. The order to be signed by Minister Speranza.
The restrictive measures in force concerning the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy and Piedmont are renewed. This is foreseen by one of the 3 new ordinances to be signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, based on data from the Control Room held today. They will be effective as of December 6.
The regions of Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Puglia and Umbria go from the orange zone to the yellow zone. Campania, Tuscany, Valle D’Aosta and the autonomous province of Bolzano go from the red zone to the orange zone. Piedmont and Lombardy remain orange from last week. Calabria and Basilicata also remain in the orange band. Abruzzo therefore remains the only region in the red zone.
The comment of the President of the Region Marco Marsilio:
Minister Speranza informed me of the one-week extension of the red zone for Abruzzo, after the control room registered the stay in a lower band this week, in the logic of completing the 14 days of stay provided by the DPCM. Current. The Minister informed me that the Report of the Control Room positively acknowledges that Abruzzo has autonomously advanced the adoption of the most restrictive measures for a few days. This timely initiative helped accelerate the return route from Scenario 4 (RT above 1.5) to the current Scenario 1 (RT at 0.9).
As previously announced, we will continue to monitor the data over the weekend, and after reading the data on Sunday afternoon, if the improving trend is confirmed, I will propose to re-evaluate the position of our Region. The objective is to anticipate the exit of the red zone in time to reopen the commercial activities on December 8 ”.
In Abruzzo Rt of 0.9 – Molise, Veneto, Friuli and Tuscany with the highest Rt. Sardinia with the lowest value, and below the threshold there are 17
Molise (1.37), Veneto (1.11), Friuli Venezia Giulia (1.03) and Toscana (1.03) are the 4 regions with the highest Rt index, above the threshold value 1, for the week 23-29 of November 2020 (data updated to December 2). The regions with the lowest TR are Sardinia 0.67, Liguria with 0.69, Umbria 0.71 and Piedmont with 0.76. Just below threshold value 1 are: Emilia Romagna (0.99), Lombardy (0.97), Calabria (0.95), Lazio (0.94) and Puglia (0.92) and Abruzzo (0, 9). In general, the regions below the RT 1 threshold are 17.