Examination of Suárez, suspects of Paratici and lawyers of Juve. “The manager asked De Micheli for information.” The senior management of the university suspended


The investigation into the alleged exam “sham” supported by the footballer Luis Suarez at the University for Foreigners of Perugia to obtain the B1 certificate of the Italian language no longer concerns only the top management of the university, but also the Juventus coach. Fabio Paratici is under investigation by false statements to prosecutors and result investigated also the club’s lawyers, Luigi’s lawyers I applauded and Maria Turkish. “The research findings – reads the press release of the prosecution – it also allowed us to understand how, in the first days of September 2020, the Turin club management had activated, even at the highest levels institutional levels, by ‘speed up’ the recognition of Italian citizenship towards Suárez. “The order specifies that it was Paratici who contacted the Minister of Transport Paola De Micheli to get the number of the chief of staff Bruno Frattasi. The minister, we read in the newspapers, is “his childhood friend” and “admitted to having obtained” the contact. Therefore, prosecutors assume “new crime hypotheses charged to subjects other than those of the university, still in progress deepening“.

Even if at the end of September the Perugia prosecutor had announced a cessation of the investigation due to repeated leaks, in reality the work of the prosecutors has never stopped. And today the investigating judge has ordered that the rector of the university, Greek Giuliana, the general director Simone olivieri, the teacher Stefania espina and the member of the commission “Celi Immigrati” Lorenzo Rocca the suspension for 8 months of its functions. There precautionary measure It was carried out by soldiers of the Economic-Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza. All four are charged in various ways with disclosure of the official secret directed at the wrong asset benefit and multiple ideological falsehoods in public documents. The investigating judge, in his ordinance, writes that there is “a concrete and current risk that the suspects, if they do not submit to due caution, will propose again similar criminal conduct to those for whom we proceed. “The reason? They” demonstrated that they consider the institution to which they belong and which they represent as a private restaurant manageable to your liking“.

In fact, the prosecutor believes that he has “corroborated the evidentiary frameworkThanks to the new evidence collected in recent months, starting with the raids and kidnappings that date back to September 22. According to investigators, the suspects have organized a session “ad personam“From the” farce “exam for Suárez, which allows” the release of the certificate of knowledge of the Italian language. “The content of the test, they add,” had been previously communicated to the same player, coming to predetermine exam result and score, to correspond to the requests made by Juventus, with the aim of achieving a positive image return, as personal as for the University “.

As for the club, the historic Juventus lawyer is under investigation Luigi chiappero and connects it Maria Turco. According to what has emerged so far, Chiappero actually participated in a meeting with representatives of the University for Foreigners of Perugia to allow Suárez to take the Italian exam. At the meeting via videoconference, together with the general director of the university Simone Olivieri, there was also Turco, Chiappero’s colleague at the Chiusano study, founded by Vittorio Chiusano, former honorary president of Juventus club in the 90s. Then there is the role of Fabio Paratici, general manager of Juve, investigated for false statements to prosecutors and cited by phone by Olivieri as one of the people interested in the interrogation of Suárez. The investigation letters are now in the hands of the FIGC power, who immediately after the explosion of the case requested the documents from the Perugia prosecutors. The opening of a federal investigation is the only way that could lead – in the event that there is responsibility (even objective) of the club – in a sanction in sports.

The whole thing goes back to late summer, when the Bianconeri became interested in the former player of Barcelona, but a bureaucratic hitch: Suárez is not a community citizen and Juve has already occupied the due slot for non-EU citizens provided for by Series A rules. wife Sofia Balbi and his three children have Italian citizenship by direct descent, however, the player can apply for citizenship as long as he passes an Italian test. And even if the process can normally take up to four years, the Bianconeri hope to close the case in early October (coinciding with the close of the transfer market). In the end, the negotiation does not materialize, but Suárez still takes the exam on September 17. “Getting serious again … You have one Big responsibility because if you fail there are terrorist attacks ”, reads one of the wiretapping the phone line among the Perugian teachers gathered by the yellow flames. “But you think we rejected it!” “Today I have the last lesson and I have to prepare it because doesn’t say a word“,” And what level should this boy pass … B1? “,” Eee, shouldn’t, should, will pass, because 10 million per salary season you can’t screw them up because it doesn’t have B1 ″.
