Movements between municipalities at Christmas and New Year: Pregliasco – Chronicle is also favorable


Checks at Central Station
Checks at Central Station

Milan, December 4, 2020 – The request made to the government by the President of Lombardy Attilio Fontana from allow travel between municipalities on public holidays, of December 25 and 26 and January 1, find agree Pat’s virologist and scientific technical consultant, Fabrizio Pregliasco, waiting “we can evaluate, always with great attention, this possibility of don’t overdo it with excessive behavior“.

“It is not easy – adds the virologist – to satisfy the needs of all citizens and very particular situations of families that live in two different municipalities. For this reason, these general indications become strict and impossible – he emphasizes – I believe that President Fontana wants to draw national attention to what was the hard work of all health facilities and all Lombard citizens they’re showing that things are getting better. ”
