The news may already be early in the afternoon, probably at 6.30 p.m., the time when the press conference of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health is set on the analysis of the Surveillance data of the Chamber of Control.
It is known that the Rt index has dropped to 0.92, but the evaluation parameters are 21, no one dares to make more predictions after the sudden transition to the orange zone on November 14. In the event of degradation to the yellow zone, the Region continues to work during these hours on a possible more restrictive ordinance because the health system is still under pressure.
One of the hypotheses could refer to the obligation, for bars, to serve only at the tables after a certain hour, or joint entry into the stores. Meanwhile, the new dpcm is already in force, affecting all color bands across the board.
The parties are prohibited in the squares and in the houses and in the extended New Year’s curfew until 7 in the morning. The ski resorts are closed until January 6.
From December 21 until Epiphany it will not be possible to travel outside the region, and on January 25, 26 and 1 not even from the municipality of residence itself. In order to avoid gatherings in stores to buy gifts, commercial establishments may keep shopping centers open until 9:00 p.m. Closed on holidays and before holidays.
It will be possible to continue going to mass during the holidays, but the celebration of Christmas Eve will be brought forward until 8:00 p.m. to allow compliance with the curfew. The Church will enter the Church at a distance and with a quota and in no case will Mass be sung.
You can go to second homes if you are in the same region. And from January I go back to class even in high school.