Milan, December 4, 2020 – It has finally been signed the highly anticipated Christmas Dpcm, in force from now on, Friday, December 4 to Friday, January 15. On Thursday evening, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte illustrated the new measures for the Covid-19 emergency during a live broadcast from Palazzo Chigi:The Government chooses the hard line and will continue to apply the principle of “colored regions”. Among the indications to follow, the one that is generating the most controversy refers to the movements: from December 21 to January 6 those are prohibited of a region the other, even to get to second homes. While the On December 25 and 26 and January 1, travel from one municipality to another is also prohibited..
Fontana: “From December 19 to 20 there is a risk of flight from the North”
The governor of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, is very concerned. “The December 19 and 20, or the last weekend you can go out before Christmas break we take a chance relive what happened on the night between March 7 and 8 “, he told Morning 5 in response to the question if he fears a new “escape from the north”. “The risk is just that – the president stressed -. Precisely because today we can foresee it, we will have to try to equip ourselves to make it particular attention at stations, airports And of all the places people could go We will have to speak with the prefectures and the police to avoid more damage than leaving everyone free to circulate during the Christmas period ”. According to Fontana, the part of the new Dpcm in which “the passage from municipality to municipality is prevented” at Christmas, San Esteban and New Years is a discriminatory limitation, towards those who live in a small town but also towards those commercial activities, restaurants, bars that if they are in a small town do not have the possibility of receiving guests compared to those who are in a big city and that possibility is there. they have “.” We made this assessment especially towards the many older people who may not have the opportunity to meet their loved ones during the Christmas holidays. This is the aspect on which we have focused our criticism ”, he added.
The request to the Government
Meanwhile, the hope of Fontana, and of all the presidents of the region, is that he can Parliament intervention. May we find a time and a way to allow parliamentarians change the decree law approved by the Government on the night of Wednesday to Thursday and eliminate the travel ban in a Municipality other than the one of residence in days of christmas and new year, to be exact on December 25 and 26 and January 1. An order that is also accessed by the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco. Not just a hope, that of the governors, but a request made unanimously to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, yesterday afternoon, during the meeting between the Government and the Regions. A request then made official by Fontana during the press point convened at Palazzo Lombardia after the meeting. Critical in all areas, the Lombard governor. Critical not only about the content of the decree but also about the way it was adopted by the government. Read a surprise Decree Law that will prevent, on December 25 and 26 and January 1, the movement of citizens between municipalities of the same region, even to visit parents and children, while a decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers who did not accept any of the indications offered by the Regions, it is a lunar event – he attacked the President of Lombardy in the early afternoon -. A fact in perfect contradiction with the declarations on the loyal collaboration between the State and the Regions ”. Limitations, the Lombard governor still clarifies, “you come with a decree on which we cannot intervene: we are obliged to accept what we should have agreed to.” While waiting to know if the decree will be modified or not, there seems to be a certainty: “If the trend of the data continues like this, Lombardy, according to the automatic system established by the Government, will enter the yellow zone as of December 11 “. . The change must be ratified by an ordinance signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.
Conjunctions and displacements: the guide
Fontana: “Right to reopen schools, but we need a transportation plan”
According to the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, in view of the High schools reopening as of January 7 need “focus” on public transport. “Since May 4 – Fontana said on Mattino 5 – I have been asking the Government for a plan to postpone the start of school and work activities throughout the day. We need to prepare a plan to avoid the peak during which public transport is robbed, given that in some cases it is impossible to increase the number of vehicles ”. The governor’s hope is that “in these 15 days we can resume this speech and be able to avoid any type of meeting.” “Basically – he concluded – it is only fair that we start sending children to school. of those situations that will have to live with the virus until the vaccine is spread to the entire population ”.
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