Is the travel ban between municipalities already shaking? “It is an inapplicable rule, because the need can always be identified: if it is necessary to visit a relative, then it is clear. I think it would have been more appropriate not to include this legislation, so much so that I asked the president to speed up the approval process in Parliament to change that part, during the conversion, before Christmas. “There is a detail of the new Dpcm signed a few hours ago for the premier Giuseppe Conte that ‘does not return’ according to the interpretation of the Lombard president Attilio Fontana, and it is linked to the ‘need’ with which citizens on December 25 and 26 and next January 1 must justify a possible visit to relatives, on those days of prohibition of moving from one municipality to another.
Can the ban on travel between municipalities continue to be modified?
“If all the political forces agree, it can be changed before Christmas,” Fontana said during his speech to Tomorrow 5– so that there is no doubt of interpretation, because interpretation in Italy always leaves some time to find, and each one always interprets in their own way ”. So I do not want to make a controversy with the executive. Like all the others, the Dpcm, even the last one, that of December 3, must be signed into law in parliament within 30 days. Therefore, there is a tight deadline for any changes, but theoretically feasible.
On December 25, 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, travel between different municipalities is prohibited, unless things change, with several exceptions (work, health, needs, all to self-certify in case of controls). Who can then leave the municipality where he lives? On holidays (December 25, December 26, January 1) only those with proven needs can do so. Obviously, those who leave their municipality previously, can still return there.
I pray surprisingly: “I am in favor of moving between municipalities”
Surprisingly, there is also an opinion in favor of moving between municipalities on vacation from one of the most cautious experts, one of those who never seemed inclined to an early relaxation of anti-Covid restrictions: Fabrizio Pregliasco. The request made to the government by Lombardy President Attilio Fontana to allow travel between municipalities on public holidays, December 25 and 26 and January 1, is agreed by the virologist and technical scientific consultant of Pat. “I am in favor,” he said on the sidelines of a press conference, adding that he hopes that “we can evaluate, always with great attention, this possibility (of moving between municipalities, ed.) So as not to exaggerate with excessive behavior.” “It is not easy to meet the needs of all citizens and the very particular situations of families living in two different municipalities. Therefore, these general indications become strict and impossible – adds Pregliasco -. I believe that President Fontana wants to draw national attention to what has been the hard work of all the health structures and of all the Lombard citizens who are showing that things are improving. “
Then there are also those who raise the bar for controversy, in this case it is Forza Italia: “The government could have been more aware, sensitive and perhaps reflect a little more – he says. Giorgio Mulè, deputy of Forza Italia and spokesman for the blue groups of the Chamber and the Senate, to “Break“, on la7 – No one denies the health drama that the country is experiencing and we regret the number of deaths, but common sense is also needed. Christmas cannot be denied only to a part of Italians: the measures provided for in the Dpcm reveal a total detachment from reality on the part of this executive. Italy is not just Rome, Milan or Naples. There are 8,000 municipalities, many of which are neighbors and at a distance of a few kilometers from each other, like the distance between a neighborhood in Rome and the another, those who will be prevented from moving. This does not make sense, because many people will be prevented from receiving a Christmas caress just because they reside in provincial areas and not in large cities. I find it cruel: invitation to the government to review measures that mortify family ties and generate a “racist” difference in affections.
“The government decree is unfair and incongruous – says the UDC senator Antonio De Poli – The travel ban between municipalities does not make sense. What is the point of blocking Christmas from Italians? Can traveling to reunite with family at Christmas be more dangerous than a trip by subway or bus, where there is no way to control the influx of passengers? ”.
December 25, December 26, January 1: who can move between municipalities
The government has chosen the simplest way to slow down mobility on vacation. Critical voices point out the lack of uniformity of a grip that equally affects small municipalities (for example towns of 1,000 inhabitants and neighbors) and main metropolises (181 square kilometers of Milan, 1,285 those of the territory of Rome). Within municipal limits you can circulate freely, before curfew, even on December 25 and 26 and January 1. Those who live in the smaller towns of that vast inland Italy, made up of a myriad of small towns, where even close relatives usually live in the neighboring city, are more penalized than those who have their whole family in the same big city.
It is not known if the decree of movement between municipalities will be filed during the phase of conversion of the Dpcm into law. Another hypothesis, especially credible, is that the Prime Minister’s Faq (answers to frequently asked questions), which will be released in the coming days, will clarify all the specific cases. Is visiting a lonely old man living in another municipality at Christmas part of the state of need? Yes, the care of an elderly person in difficulty is considered a cause that justifies the prohibited movement. But how many people will be able to move? Will the child who goes to the elderly father take his family unit? Clarity is expected.