“About the death toll in Italy, something is wrong”



Covid Italia, Rasi: something is wrong with the death toll

“We must start to see if there is a homogeneous approach in the Italian territory, because this number is actually higher than the European average. Without a doubt it is necessary to make a reflection ”. This was stated by Guido Rasi, former executive director of the European Medicines Agency, guest of ‘Agorà’ at RaiTre, in reference to the number of victims caused by the Covid epidemic. 993 deaths out of 23,225 infections, intervened epidemiologist Lorenzo Richiardi on the same issue, stating that “the reason for so many deaths in Italy remains a mystery.”

I would be vaccinated in public but with the guarantee that it is not said which one I did“Rasi said, answering the question of whether, when the anti-Covid vaccines arrive, he will make the serum. On the question of whether or not immunization obligation, Rasi specified that” there is no need to vaccinate the entire population, I would go with transport workers, health workers, health personnel, for the other categories there is no immediate need. So if 70% of the immunized population is not reached in 2021, then it could be considered mandatory. “

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