Antonio Sbraga
Roma caput not immune. Yesterday the Capitolina province registered the highest increase in cases with 1,351 new infections in the last 24 hours. Next, on the sad podium of contagion, the provinces of Milan (+1,311) and Turin (+1,214).
But it is not only the numbers that leave you breathless: now we also put the software: “The computer program adopted by the Lazio Region to compile dematerialized prescriptions does not technically allow doctors to prescribe oxygen cylinders – denounces the president of the Order of the doctors of Rome, Antonio Magi – The impossibility of being able to send the prescription online forces patients, or their relatives, to go to medical offices to pick up the paper prescription, without which they cannot have the cylinders in the pharmacy. I call on the Region to immediately try to solve this inexplicable technical problem: it is unacceptable to create more obstacles for those who are already in great difficulties. “The Order of Physicians, in fact, already warned last month of another problem : the risk of shortage of oxygen containers.
“What is missing is not oxygen, which is produced in sufficient quantity, but the container in which to put it to be able to administer it to Covid patients with respiratory failure. Added to this is the phenomenon of hoarding: we have it for cylinders, as we have seen for some medications – Magi Warning – Many relatives of deceased patients, for example, throw away the cylinders after use, also because they do not use them. there is information about it. In many cases, however, the empty containers are found in the warehouses of pharmacies or health establishments.
Like the hospitals where, after a November-no (“On November 17 the alert threshold on the saturation of intensive care was reached”, exceeding the quota of 30% of the beds occupied by Covid patients), with 14 hospitalizations carried out yesterday (364 of the total) another critical level has been surpassed: that of the employment of 40% of the total of 894 places available in the rescue departments of the Region. In which last month there was “a constant growth in the values of the housing blocks, while the values of hospitalized people seem to settle – says the Altems Catholic University Report – In the last two weeks, a slight increase in the number of those cured. Constant growth in the number of deaths. “With the 38 registered yesterday, another tragic threshold for Lazio has been crossed: that of 2,500 Covid victims (2,514 to be precise).