Grillo relaunches the proposal: no to equity, yes to a 2% contribution for assets over 50 million. And reject the month


A 2% contribution by and heritage dai 50 million and more and one of the 3% for those who have more than one billion. Beppe Grillo from his blog relaunch the proposal advanced ten days ago from ask the little less than 3 thousand Italians that fall into the category of very rich a unique contribution by 2021 (to be replicated if necessary in 2022) with which to finance new aid interventions for the hearing of the insecure, by workers precarious ai autonomous, who paid the highest price to the pandemic. For the state coffers “it would mean a guaranteed income of at least 10 billion euros during the first year, and 10 more if the measure is confirmed also for 2022 ″, as calculated also assuming how that money could be spent to help the categories most damaged by the Covid crisis. “In a moment devastating and very difficult well, no one can back down and, like a family in distress, Italy needs to tell its fellow citizens richer than the country needs them“, He writes.

In his position, the co-founder of the 5 star movement starts from the debate on Me, defined as “a tool not only inappropriate but also completely useless to meet the needs of our country in such a delicate moment “as explained” by our Prime Minister Conte repeating over and over again that “we already have many resources (structural funds, budget variations, Recovery Funds, etc.) and we must know how to spend them”. But for Grillo, even the proposal of patrimonial on equity exceeding 500 thousand euros presented by Leu me P.S, Which defines “dire shadow“Joy for the rejection in the House Budget Committee (but later the amendment to the maneuver was readmitted and now it is among those denounced by the parliamentary groups).

With these proposals filed, Grillo joins the debate on “how to find other funds to give oxygen to Italian health and companies” and puts two more on the plate that he believes “absolutely”. practicable, sacrosanct and above all non-binding (which do not foresee any type of debt for Italy) that would bring many billions in the state coffers in a short time, if something was needed. “First of all,” make people pay‘IMU and ICI did not pay for real estate to the ChurchThen actually ask for a contribution to 2,774 citizens that according to the latest report on the global wealth of the Swiss credit they have a personal wealth of more than 50 million euros. “A contribution of 2% for assets ranging between 50 million euros and one billion would generate income for the State coffers just over 6 billion. One of the 3% that billionaires give could yield about 4 billion more ”.

“According to the prestigious magazine Forbes, which every year is in charge of making its usual scroungers rankings Around the world, in Italy there are another 40 billionaires or billionaires ”, recalls Grillo. “It would no longer be fairtherefore, turn to them instead of the the rest of the population already exhausted by a tragic year from the financial point of view, as well as healthcare? “. It would be a matter of” reasoning how any family in financial difficulties thinks who, before resorting to banks or (worse) loan sharks, decides to knock on the door of a distant relative who is doing much better ”, argues Grillo. “What is a lot for a family (a sum of money to get out of difficulties) for the rich relative? nothing or very little“.

The other front refers to Imu and Ici not paid by the Church. “In November 2018, a ruling by European court of justice established that the Italian State must collect the ICI not paid by the Catholic Church between 2006 and 2011 by virtue of an exemption granted by the government Berlusconi, later considered irregular ”, recalls the founder of M5S. Grillo recalls that the Vatican has “structures” that “lead to the coffers of the Church” 620 million euros per year of the unpaid IMU “.” The question can be summarized as follows – reads the post – it is fair that the real estate of the Church, present in the national territory, is subject to the same taxes To what are all other properties of individuals also subjected? Beyond what one might think, even in light of the recent EU ruling, the answer is clear. Yes. However, at the time of the judgment of the Court of Justice, the position was held by I count I rule who, it is said, did nothing because the League (with its display of crucifixes and rosaries) did not intend to go “against” the Church. As if asking for payment of taxes owed was an act vexatious“, remember.

“The reason why that proposal was buried in the drawers of Palazzo Madama remains uncertain, perhaps, as some say, I hesitation by the Democratic Party on this issue (regarding euthanasia) it seems disturbingly dominated by the Catholic component that have played a decisive role, ”argues the founder of M5S.
The fact is that a year later and with the world totally upset by Covid, that money would be useful for many other more urgent interventions that are no longer extendable. Until when can the Ministry of Economy continue to ignore the European Union ruling? ”, Concludes Grillo.
