Is Fvg in the yellow zone again? Here are the data from the National Institute of Health


The yellow zone for Friuli Venezia Giulia would always appear at least according to the parameters, closer to the figures published by the Higher Institute of Health in the last week.

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the week of November 23 to 29, the percentage of positive swabs (excluding screening and reassessment activities) stood at 27.7 percent (4,009 of 14,452) against 34.3 percent (3,793 to 11,704) for the period between November 16 and 22.

In addition, the percentage of positive swabs in the territorial context with respect to the total fell to 28.4% (compared to 35.9%) and that in the hospital context compared to the total of 22.6% (compared to 26.4%).

Finally, a Decrease in the mean time elapsed between the onset of symptoms and the diagnosis of Covid-19.

This is confirmed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, based on the data contained in the Draft weekly report on the monitoring of Phase 2 of the health emergency prepared by the Higher Institute of Health.

Study observations a 20.5 percent drop in cases in the week of November 23-29 compared to the previous week (4,934 vs. 6,024), which shows a decreasing or stable weekly trend. Similary, cases reported daily to the integrated surveillance Covid-19 registered a decrease of 13 percent (3,851 cases by date of diagnosis / sampling compared to 4,428 the previous week).

Another very relevant data is the Rt index, which emphasizes the level of contagion of the virus among the population, which went from 1.09 (with range 1.04-1.13) to 0.92 (with a range of 0.89-0.96), with a decrease in the number of outbreaks of active transmission from 2,297 in the previous report to 1,856 in the current one.

Finally, the analysis carried out on the situation of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia highlights a further improvement in the already high capacity and quality of monitoring the epidemic: 99.8% (compared to 93.4%) of the cases were report the date. the appearance of symptoms and 100% of the cases that required hospitalization are reported to the Ministry of Health.

“The data from the Higher Institute of Health, and in particular the reduction of the Rt index to 0.92, highlight the progress made in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the fight against Covid-19, but should not lead to a reduction in the threshold of care for citizens, as the health system is still under pressure. “

This is underlined by Governor Massimiliano Fedriga, commenting on the draft of the 29th Weekly Report on follow-up of “phase 2” of the coronavirus emergency, prepared by the Ministry of Health. “In this context of great uncertainty – continues the governor – it is therefore essential to avoid unnecessary contacts with people who do not live together, moments of aggregation and, in general, any situation that may favor the spread of the virus.”

“I understand well the sacrifices that citizens are making – concludes Fedriga – but the emergency forces us to grit our teeth again to overcome this difficult moment together as a community.”
