
“We are meeting as Regions but I would like to make it clear that the Government Decree Law with these measures is already published in the Official Gazette. It seems to me very incorrect for the Government to adopt such a measure without even speaking to the local authorities.” The President of Liguria and Vice President of the Conference of the Regions Giovanni Toti writes on Facebook, commenting on the new Dpcm with the Covid containment measures in view of the Christmas holidays. “While we discuss the suggestions to give to the government, the law has already been made. Everyone at home, regardless of the data, the yellow zones, the spread of the virus. But it must be clear who is responsible for all this nonsense. ” “The limitation of citizen freedom must be proportional to the risk of Covid. Now someone from the Government will explain to me why, given the decrease in the figures in Liguria, as in many other regions, a brother will not be able to spend Christmas with his sister, a father with children “, adds the governor of Liguria. “But has anyone in Rome ever traveled to Italy, or does everyone live in Parioli? – Toti still wonders – Because if you are in a big city you can move freely, if you are in a small city, you will probably have to spend Christmas and only the new year, even if the family members live a few hundred meters away but in another municipality. Perhaps you will get more contagious if you cross the border between one municipality and another, while if you go from one end of a big city to the other, do we forgive the virus? I hadn’t heard of this yet! “” The same goes for restaurants and bars: if you have a restaurant or bar in a big city, “good for him” say. If the restaurant is in a small town, in a village, for whom will it be open? – asks the president of Liguria – If you have a house in Cortina or Courmayeur and you go on vacation before December 21, everything is fine, but if you want to take your child to Santo Stefano for a walk in the park, which is in the mu Municipality next to yours, you can’t. “
The governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia echoes it: “The governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, believes that the government that did not involve the regions is incorrect, in fact we received the draft at 2.30 tonight. I avoid comments but I agree with Toti ». The President of Veneto said this during the press point at the Civil Protection headquarters in Marghera. And the president of Veneto explained again that “small municipalities, such as ours in the Veneto region and large municipalities cannot be put at the same level to limit travel: public health is in danger if the 120 inhabitants of the municipality of Laghi move, the smallest in the Veneto region, as well as if it allows 3 million inhabitants of the municipality of Rome to move freely, which is double that of Friuli Venezia Giulia. This is not right. And I would like you to the CTS technicians will explain it to me. It is not a controversy with Roma, I just want to show that the rule does not hold, “he stressed.