United States, 2,880 deaths in a single day: never so many. “Obama, Bush and Clinton will be vaccinated live”


Victims of COVID-19 in United States increase day by day. And in the last 24 hours, the worst record since the beginning has been reached. pandemic, with 2,880 victims. The new cases of contagion were 200 thousand and in the hospitals Americans are more than 100,000 people hospitalized. In total, deaths so far have been 273,181. The day after the green light of United Kingdom to the vaccine Pfizer, former presidents of the United States Barack Obama, George W. Bush e Bill clinton volunteered to be vaccinated live against COVID-19. On the other hand, who will begin to administer the treatment tomorrow is Moscow, as announced by the mayor of the Russian capital Serghei Sobyanin, while the Russia Today marks his daily record of infections, reaching 28,145. Cases that are 22,046 in Germany, where another 479 people died due to COVID-19. Lothar wieler, president of the Robert Koch Institute, affirms that “the situation remains very tense” because the number of infections is not yet controlled, despite the reintroduction of restrictions in early November, they are still too high. “They are not going down significantly,” he said. Cyclist He also referred to the growing number of cases in residences by Old people and I talked about hospitals that in some regions are reaching the limit of patients eligible.

Greece – Extend the emergency shutdown, at least until December 14, because coronavirus infection rates remain high. Having weathered the first wave of the pandemic with a relatively low death toll compared to other European countries, Greece has seen a sharp increase in deaths in recent months. the emergency shutdown, imposed on November 7 for a duration of 3 weeks, had already been extended until December 7.

United States – Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that the United States they are about to go through “the most difficult time in the nation’s public health history.” Robert Redfield stated that the first peak cases of COVID-19 they were concentrated in one area of ​​the country or another, and health personnel and equipment were transferred from one place to another to attend to them. But now, he says, all parts of the country are experiencing an increase in infections and illnesses. “The reality is that December, January and February will be difficult months. I think it will be the most difficult time in the history of public health in this nation. ” Pending approval of the vaccine by the Food and Drug Administration, the three former presidents – reports Cnn – I hope that an awareness campaign to promote trust in her safety ed effectiveness can be a powerful message as US public health officials are trying to persuade the citizens a get vaccinated.

Russia – During the last day 554 people died from disease raising the official total of victims of the epidemic to 41,607. Meanwhile the North Korea announced that it will produce 150 million doses of Sputnik V, the Russian coronavirus vaccine, and all will be delivered to the countries of the Middle East.

South Africa – We fear the return of sprouts, which could regain their balance during the upcoming vacations and related meetings. The country is struggling to contain infections following outbreaks in the province of Eastern Cape and the Western Cape last month. The number of new cases per day in the country has exceeded 3,000 last week, 50 percent more than the average of the 2,000 registered in early November. the South Africa Today there are 796,472 cases of coronavirus and 21,709 deaths related to the pandemic.
