Getting sick with Covid-19 and not being able to heal. Even Mattia, patient number 1 of Codogno who struggled not a little to free himself from “monster”. The syndrome is that of long carriers, that is, of those patients who continue to experience complaints for months, even if they are mild. It can affect up to 10 percent of those infected and, therefore, is very incisive in the post-Covid life, although little is said about it. Officially, these are people who test negative to bufferbut who continue to experience particularly debilitating and persistent symptoms: tiredness, weakness, shortness of breath, erythema, confusion, and memory loss, which is called “fog” in the brain. And again: muscle aches, anxiety, and even hair loss.
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The sequelae of this disease, therefore, not only cause swabs that are slow to become negative even when the symptoms disappear, but, on the contrary, the disorders continue for a long time even if the control test is now negative. The latest scientific study on this “syndrome” comes from French researchers at the University Hospital of Tours who followed 150 non-critical patients from March to June. Two-thirds reported symptoms up to 60 days after becoming ill and more than a third still felt sick or even worse than when the infection started. The research, published on Monday, October 5 in the journal Clinical Microbiology and Infection, focused on patients who had had mild or moderate disease, precisely because other studies on this topic internationally so far had monitored people returning from hospital admissions. (for moderate or severe disease) or in intensive care. The symptoms described were mainly: loss of smell and taste, shortness of breath and fatigue and were more likely in patients between 40 and 60 years of age and in those who required hospitalization.
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Another study dates from last July, and is that of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC): it showed that 35% of patients with Covid-19 had not returned to their state. normal health two to three weeks after the negative swab. who had decreed his cure. Those most affected were people with chronic diseases, but almost 1 in 5 young people and adults aged 18 to 34 (without pre-existing medical conditions) reported that they did not regain normal health (14 to 21 days after testing).
All this only affects the health system and people’s working lives. In Italy, Morena Colombi founded a self-help group on Facebook called “We who have defeated Covid” and collects the stories of those who are officially cured, but who have been sick for months. «The accessions arrived and in a short time I realized that all of us, some more or less, have the same ailments. Many times we are branded depressed or hypochondriacal. Our problems, on the other hand, are real, but nobody seems to want to give us credit, “said the Agrate worker, who was patient in Brianza. The objective of the group is also the recognition of a “Post Covid Syndrome”, as is being done in other countries, so that the reimbursement of health expenses and the centers to contact can be made.
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Persistent symptoms confirm that Covid remains alive and infectious after more than six months in the intestines of 50% of carriers, probably hidden in some organs of the body. Patients, however, are no longer infectious, it is the immune system that continues to perceive their presence. Not only that, there are cases published in the scientific research of long-distance carriers that after months of acute infection and multiple negative swabs for other diseases (cancer) and the subsequent treatments that can lead to immunocompromise, see the virus “reactivate“ causing an exacerbation of its virulence and a significant worsening of the disease.
The request for interventions by these post-Covid patients has grown so much that even in the rest of the world the problem is being addressed with the creation of ad hoc Centers. In New York, for example, a post-Covid care center was opened at Mount Sinai, and new staff had to be hired to be able to deal with the large number of people who came forward for treatment. The same is true in Great Britain, where a network of “Long Covid” clinics is emerging. It also happened with other viral forms: Ebola, Sars and Mers.
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The symptoms are the most varied and hair loss is reported to doctors by at least 30 percent of people. Fortunately, it is transient, but it can cause entire locks to fall out, which raises great alarm in patients. It is not the first time that a symptom associated with the coronavirus begins to be considered precisely based on data collected by doctors– This happens because Covid-19 is a completely new infection, so knowledge builds over time. A similar case involved chilblains on children’s toes, a symptom that became known in mid-April 2020, for which an investigation was launched.
How to get out In America, they are treating dozens of longtime Covid patients with a variety of over-the-counter medications (H1 / H2 antihistamines like Pepcid / famotidine and Zyrtec / cetirizine, to name just a few, cheap and potentially safe, plus vitamin D and C). They seem to work, but always consult a doctor before using them.
Last updated: 19:27