Christmas Decree, government hard line on travel: Regions go to battle. And the Pd senators: “Stop the stop on vacation”


Christmas me New Year “Armored” within i municipal boundaries and of December 21 Alabama Jan 6, Block of displacements between the Regions and the prohibition of reaching the second box. the decree law Covid, already signed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, confirms the government’s tightening during the holidays, to protect a possible third wave. Being in the Council of Ministers, after a lively discussion, it was decided to confirm with the next Dpcm the stop in face-to-face lessons all higher until the January 7th, when according to the last draft they should go back to class at least 50% of students also from elementary me average. The same day, they should reopen Cableway. But it is in the Christmas, Saint Stephen and New Year movements that the majority forces had the most heated confrontation and it’s hot face to face with the Regions before the Prime Minister’s signature Giuseppe Conte, expected today. But the governors fight. And not just them.

Senators from the Democratic Party: “Wrong Rules, Change Them” – The DP group at Palazzo Madama, driven by 25 senators, asked to eliminate the stop on vacation: “I am writing to Prime Minister Conte: change the wrong rules included in the municipal mobility decree of January 25, 26 and 1 – says the group leader Andrea Marcucci – The Regions and 25 of my fellow senators from the Democratic Party ask for it ”. “It is not a trivial matter, it is million families who live in neighboring areas, divided only by the limits of their municipality – he adds – It is necessary, in my opinion, to make it possible, in compliance with the regulations, family reunification and affective even for a few hours. It would also be useful not to discriminate between Economic activities of the economic activities of the cities and the country. “The letter was signed by 25 of the 35 senators. They have not signed it Mirabelli, Rossomando, Pinotti, Astorre, Boldrini, Zanda, in addition to the three senators with roles in the government (Misiani, Malpezzi and Margiotta).

Zaia and Toti: “Government Incorrect” – “A really difficult morning,” says the Ligurian Giovanni toti, also vice president of the Conference of the Regions. And criticism also comes from Attilio fontana me Michele Emiliano. Toti and Zaia are the most active. The first one talks about “Incorrect” From the government, the president of the Veneto Region stands in line: “We received the draft at 2.30 tonight. I avoid comments but I agree with Toti ”. And he explains again that “small municipalities, like ours in the Veneto region and large municipalities cannot be put on the same level to limit travel: public health is in danger if the 120 inhabitants of the municipality of Lakes, the smallest in the Veneto region, as well as if it allows 3 million inhabitants of the municipality of Rome to move freely, which are twice those of the Friuli Venezia Giulia. This is not OK”.

The Regions: “Loyal cooperation has failed” – So at the time of face to face, at 2.30 pm, the Give a: “The Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces expresses astonishment me to regret by the method followed by the Government that approved the decree-law last night, in the absence of a prior confrontation, “wrote the governors. “Such a method contrast with what spirit of loyal cooperation, always pursued during the emergency, also considering that the election could also be anticipated during the preventive comparison carried out only 48 hours before ”, they add. Then they underline that the “severe limitations” imposed on “travel and social relations” from December 21 to January 6 “are effective. pleonastic the pronouncement on essential parts of the Dpcm. “And the governors also question that the measures” do not refer “to refreshments promised by the government for activities to be suspended.

School in January (50%) – The curve goes down and on Friday the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, based on weekly monitoring ofHigher Institute of Health, will sign the new ordinances that starting Sunday could make Italy more yellow, making some regions go from red to orange and others from orange to yellow. Among them, according to Eugenio Giani, there will be Tuscany. But caution remains the utmost. The government chooses, after a long and tense standoff, to bring only high school students back to class January 7th and to fifty%: in the Council of Ministers Lucia azzolina and the M5s confirm the preference to return to class in December, but at this point the request of the Regions to wait for the new year was accepted, while the Transport system.

The other rules – In the evening, after a review work that continues even after the summit, the government sent the new Dpcm to the governors that the prime minister will sign in the evening and will be in force as of December 4. The three-tier system is confirmed. With curfew throughout Italy in 22 and restaurants close in the yellow zone at 6 pm Then in the twenty days between Christmas and Epiphany there is no softening: on the contrary, the blocks will grow, the measures will be tightened everywhere. Even on New Years Day when curfew “reinforced” that will last until 7, so two more hours. The new decree, approved on Wednesday night and consisting of only two articles, serves to give “cover” to the Christmas closing. It allows Conte to sign a Dpcm that has a duration of up to 50 days (now the limit is 30) and therefore set the expiration of the decree in force from December 4 to January 15. But above all, it allows more rigid measures on holidays regardless of the “color” of the Regions. And it establishes that as of December 21 it will not be possible to move between autonomous regions and provinces except for work, health and “situations of need”, as well as to return to one’s own. residence, home OR home. It is precisely the interpretation of these exceptions, in particular the “Situations of need” – which will be discussed again in the next few hours with the Regions. And also on detailed measures such as closing the restaurants from Hotels the night of December 31 or the quarantine exemptions for those returning from abroad, a topic that has long been debated in the Council of Ministers. Just as we talk about the possibility of challenging the law of Aosta Valley which contrasts with the Dpcm on anti-contagion regulations. A very concrete possibility even though the decision has not been formalized.
