In Campania anti-Covid19 vaccines from January 2021, the Army in the streets to administer them


The first 300 thousand vaccines Pfizer Biotech for Coronavirus in Campania They will arrive at the end of January and will cover an audience of 150 thousand people. This is the first tranche of doses for doctors, nurses and the elderly, of the 200 million vaccines produced by various pharmaceutical companies (the rest are Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-Gsk, Curevac) that Italy plans for 2021. The Conte government has drawn up an extraordinary mass vaccination plan that will involve a large part of the Italian population in stages. Vaccination will be recommended, but not required. The campaign will be centralized and administered by the state. Vaccine doses will be stored in special poles – one for every 30 thousand inhabitants is expected – with cold stores, located throughout the territory. The vaccines will be carried out in large places: squares, drive-ins, gyms. The military from the Army health department will be employed in the early stages, then when the mass vaccination campaign begins, it was announced by the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza also the employment of family doctors and medical specialists.

Anti-Covid vaccine the first doses in Campania

The first vaccine to arrive in Campania will be the American Pfizer Biotech. L ‘Ema, the European Medicines Agency, Yesterday he applied for authorization to market Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine. The evaluations of the two drugs must be completed on December 29, in the first case, and on January 12, in the second. The arrival of the first 3.7 million doses of Pfizer in Italy is scheduled for January 26, 2021. Campania, of this first tranche, is entitled to 300 thousand doses, approximately 10%. Overall, Pfizer vaccines in Italy should be 27 million in total and around 2.7 million should go to the southern region. The doses will be delivered to hospitals, where there will also be cold rooms to store them at -80 degrees Celsius. This type of vaccine requires a booster after a month. Once out of the refrigerator it should be administered within 6 hours to avoid losing efficacy. But other vaccines are also planned, produced by other pharmaceutical companies (the others are Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-Gsk, Curevac), overall Italy has provided 202 million doses in 2021.

Who will get the vaccine?

The first 300 thousand doses from Campania, for about 150 thousand people, will be destined for health personnel, doctors, nurses and the elderly in nursing homes (Rsa). Therefore, it is expected to proceed with the rest of the population, starting with the elderly over 80 years of age. Then in parentheses, the other elderly in their 70s, 60s, etc. In the summer, Campania workers in essential sectors, such as law enforcement, public transport, teachers and janitors, must be called in to vaccinate.

Where will the vaccination take place?

The idea is to use large spaces for vaccination, in order to maintain distance and avoid meetings. So squares, drive-ins, gyms, fairs. The vaccines will be carried out by Army doctors in the first phase. Thus, with the massive campaign, one could also use family doctors and medical specialists on a voluntary basis. All vaccinations will be registered online on the dedicated platform.
