
Florence, December 3, 2020 – Apparently the Tuscany You will still have to wait a few days before leaving the red zone (the one with the most restrictions in the fight against the Covid pandemic), despite having decidedly encouraging data. Spiuega, speaking with Omnibus in La7, the president of the Region, Eugenio Giani: “It is not that the data does not improve, but the Dpcm has classified Tuscany based on data from the previous two or three weeks. We follow the red region until Sunday. Actually, even today our Rt is equal to 1, a figure from the yellow region. We will also close the week with 5-6 thousand infected compared to the 16 thousand registered during the first week of November ”.
Giani recalls that “the Dpcm, when it brings a region to the red zone, requires three weeks to recover. Tuscany already has data between the yellow and orange zone. We will go to the orange zone from Sunday. In Tuscany as in all of Italy, however, we must be very careful, because nothing is enough to resume the spiral of infections and reach the third wave ”.
The president of Tuscany shares the general philosophy of the government’s measures, but criticizes the measure that prevents movement between municipalities on Christmas, Saint Stephen and New Year’s Day: “I feel that I can share with the government the need to avoid everything free and the need to maintain supplies capable of preventing a new growth of infections.On Christmas days, large events and large gatherings should be avoided, but perhaps the fact that avoid the transition from municipality to municipality during the day maybe it’s a bit excessive“.
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