Movements prohibited throughout Italy from December 21 to January 6, approved the Covid Decree


Christmas lights in Milan (Ansa)
Christmas lights in Milan (Ansa)

Rome, December 3, 2020 – Nothing displacements In the next vacations. In fact, the Council of Ministers has approved the decree law (signed this morning by President Sergio Mattarella) that blinds Christmas Eve and New Years Eve within municipal limits and, from December 21 to January 6, blocks travel between regions and prohibits reaching second homes. Therefore, the government confirms the line of rigor to avoid a possible third wave Covid, while, after a lively discussion on the CDM, decides to confirm, with the new Dpcm the stop for face-to-face lessons at the high school until January 7, when all students must return to class.

The draft of the new Dpcm

However, it is on the movements that in the CDm there is a fight and the comparison for the next few hours with the Regions: Pd-M5s-Leu keep the hard line. The curve goes down and on Friday the Minister of Health Roberto SperanzaOn the basis of weekly monitoring, it will sign the new ordinances that starting Sunday could make Italy more yellow, making some regions go from red to orange and others from orange to yellow.

After a review work continued even after the CDM, the government sent the new Dpcm to the governors that the prime minister Giuseppe Conte will be signed tonight and will go into effect on December 4 and will last until January 15. Confirmed on three-band system. With curfew across Italy at 10 pm and restaurants closed in the yellow zone at 6 pm There was no softening in the twenty days between Christmas and Epiphany. In fact, the blocks will grow, the measures will become stricter everywhere.

the new decree, of only two articles, it serves to give “cover” to the Christmas closing. Allows Conte to sign a dpcm lasting up to 50 days (now the limit is 30) and therefore set the expiration of the decree in force as of December 4 even beyond Epiphany (among the hypotheses is January 15). Most importantly, it allows for stricter measurements on holidays. regardless of the color of the Regions. It also stipulates that as of December 21 you will not be able to move between Regions and autonomous provinces if it weren’t for work, health and “situations of need”, as well as to return to your residence, domicile or home. Precisely on the interpretation of these exceptions, in particular “situations of necessity”, will be discussed again in the next few hours with the Regions. And also about detailed measurements such as making close the hotel restaurants on the night of December 31 or on exceptions to quarantine for returnees from abroad, which has been extensively debated in the CDM. As we talk about the possibility of challenging the Aosta Valley law which contrasts with the dpcm on anti-contagion regulations.

New Dpcm, when Conte speaks and how to follow the press conference
