Starting on Sunday, December 6, the Marches could return to the yellow zone, as well as to Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Puglia and Umbria. In the balance there is Tuscany that points to the orange but is out of sight although President Eugenio Giani is trying by all means to make it fall within the calculation of the “liberated” regions, as well as Alto Adige while Lombardy and Piedmont will be forced to stay in the orange zone for a while.
Yellow, orange and red zone: what happens in Lombardy, Emilia, Marche and Tuscany on December 6
The prediction is contained in an article of the Corriere della Sera which today takes stock of the red, orange and yellow areas pending the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità on the basis of which the Ministry of Health will issue the ordinances that will change the color of the regions on Friday, December 4. And that they have some importance given that they will arrive near the Bridge of the Immaculate Conception (December 8), which could therefore be the moment of the reopening (in some territories) of the restaurants and the restoration of a certain freedom of movement at least until December 21, when the restrictions of decree law n. 182 recently launched by the government that will prohibit travel between regions (and on holidays also between municipalities). Campania also relies on a reduction in restrictions given that the decrease in the positive growth curve is consolidated in the territory, and especially the reduction of beds occupied both in intensive care and in ordinary Covid hospitalizations, while yesterday the relationship between new cases and swabs fell significantly, to 9.3%, below the national average (10%) with 1,842 positive tests of the 19,759 processed.
For now, however, the Vincenzo De Luca region is not among the eligible candidates; Basilicata and Marche, on the other hand, yes: in recent days the Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri had congratulated Governor Vito Bardi for the regional management of the emergency, while last Friday it was the turn of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to speak with President Francesco Acquaroli. : The Corriere recalls that the Marches are about to follow in the footsteps of South Tyrol with a massive projection project aimed at the population that will be carried out in the coming weeks. The region itself yesterday registered a significant decrease in hospitalizations for Covid-19: patients go from 672 to 650 (-22) and those of Semi-intensive (from 145 to 153, +8) also increase on a day in which they were also discharged. 42 people. Meanwhile, there were another 421 positives and nine deaths bringing the budget to 1,289, but Rt’s contagion rate is decreasing.
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The regions that will change color from December 6
The situation in Puglia is different, says the newspaper, where some outbreaks persist that make Michele Emiliano think about the possibility of issuing restrictive orders for some areas establishing red zones even if the region turns yellow on December 6. Eugenio Giani, president of the Tuscany Region, in Tagadà in La7 asked for the color change: “When the Scientific Technical Committee meets next Thursday, if the last two weeks are taken into consideration we will be in the yellow zone, if instead it will start the Exam of the weeks since the entry into force of the new Dpcm, we should serve the two weeks of the orange zone. ”Then he pointed a finger at the sore:” I say this as president, I reproach the level of adjustment of the Dpcm the fact of having to remain in a closed level of mobility when this was justified by the level of data of 3-4 weeks before “, arguing that, regarding the prohibition of moving between municipalities in the next days 25 and 26 December, and January 1, 2021, which should be included in the next Dpcm, “if this measure is going to serve to still maintain that correct level of mobility, we will take note, it is in the interest of everyone’s health.”
And Lombardy and Piedmont? They have the same problem as Tuscany: they hope to go back to yellow but they will still have to be patient in the orange zone for a week since they have to spend 14 days to make the jump and they are only oranges from November 29. The hope, for them, is that the Dpcm of December 3 contains a rule that changes the rule. Otherwise, there will be nothing to do. “As for me, I limited myself to refuting the fact that old and outdated data were used to set the stage for the epidemic, which makes it difficult to explain to the public the relationship between their sacrifices and the results achieved. But I also want to To say that although different visions and sensitivities have sometimes emerged, the institutional dialectic has given its results. Certainly the contribution of the Regions has been there. Of course, if we change the parameters in progress then we must be perplexed “, says today. Attilio Fontana.
Then there is the case of Valle d’Aosta, which has been arguing with the government for days. Yesterday, the Regional Council approved a law that claims the autonomy of the Alpine region from the state powers in the management of the health emergency due to coronavirus. The last act of a tug of war that also recorded a heated exchange of letters: the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, invited the President of the Region, Erik Lavevaz, to revoke the order to open the retail trade, repealing the area red. The answer was no; on the contrary, Lavevaz was relaunched with the intention of questioning the last order of Minister Speranza. The government is considering challenging him.