Draft of Covid, movements between counties and municipalities: here is the Pdf – Chronicle


The Covid DL draft
The Covid DL draft

Rome, December 2, 2020 – “In the days of December 25 and 26 2020 and January 1st 2021 is prohibited each movement between municipalities“This is what we read in draft law decree, which was approved by the Council of Ministers and takes stock of travel limits in view of the Christmas 2020 And parties. As it had already leaked these days, the On December 25 and 26 and January 1, it will be forbidden to move from the Municipality in which it is located, be it the residence, address or not. “Since December 21 2020 to Jan 6 2021 – the project continues – it is prohibited, within the national territory, any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces, except for trips motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons. “In any case, the Return to your own residence, domicile or at home “.

Compression also affects mobility towards second box. From December 21 to January 6 you will be allowed to return to your home outside the Region, but it will not be possible to move “to the second homes located in another region o Autonomous Province and, on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, also located in another Municipality ”.

The draft also specifies that for vacations you can “adopt specific measures“, “also regardless of classification in risk levels and scenario “, and that can last up to 50 days, thus modifying the limit foreseen until now, which was equal to 30. “Due to the evolution of the epidemiological situation,” says the text, “in the period prior to the Christmas holidays, it is necessary to make some changes in the discipline of the measures “and” intervenes in the term maximum duration, that from thirty to fifty days, measures to attend the emergency in the most efficient way ”.

Provisions already anticipated today by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and highlighted by the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia: “15 days from now all of Italy or most of it will be yellow, “declared Boccia,” let’s think about precise restrictions for the holiday period that do not make us relax our behavior “. restrictions, the government would also think about timid openings: concessions for bars and restaurants, which can stay open on holidays but will still have to close at 18.

The pdf
