Published on: 02/12/2020 8:47 PM
It is a confrontation between Valle d’Aosta and the government. The Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, as it was learned, will request the Council of Ministers to challenge the law approved by the Autonomous Community against the national Dpcm and for the autonomous management of the emergency.
In fact, there was the tough stance of The president of the Region Erik Lavevaz, who announced the decision to challenge the order of the Minister of Health., Roberto Speranza, who in recent days has reclassified Piedmont, Lombardy and Calabria from red zones to orange zones, confirming Valle d’Aosta in the red zone.
Regional counselor, Francesco Boccia, wrote to the president of Valle d’Aosta inviting him to revoke the ordinance of November 30 that allows the reopening of commercial establishments as if the Region were in the orange zone.
Recalling that the ordinance “ introduces provisions on the resumption of retail business activities in sharp contrast to the provisions of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3, ” Boccia wrote: “ I invite you to revoke the order, reminding you of the responsibilities that could arise from the application of the measures that it introduced in terms of maintenance of health networks and protection of the health of the citizens of Valle d’Aosta. ”
A la carte Lavevaz, speaking today at the Regional Council that approved the draft law that regulates the management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19 in the region and introduces measures to plan the recovery and relaunch phase Of the sectors most affected by the epidemic, he replied: “The law is going in the right direction, it doesn’t matter if it will be challenged, it is a strong sign of our autonomy that makes it clear that the Valley has a Statute that we want to defend.”
But for Boccia “the declarations of President Lavevaz of the Valle D’Aosta Region undermine and damage the loyal collaboration that has characterized the hard and exhausting common work against the pandemic in recent months. Everyone knows the importance of the serious crisis that the countries are going through. categories. economical, obviously not everyone is aware of the serious health emergency and the number of families who have to face very intense grief every day“.
“The Government has been at the side of the entire VDA community from day one. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the VDA has always been guaranteed additional financial resources, as can be seen from the numerous agreements approved unanimously at the State-Regions Conference , more than 16 million consumables and more than 7,000 non-consumable materials, of which 15 lung ventilators were used to enhance intensive care, up to more than double ”, he highlights.
In the months that we have behind us, more than 80 health workers, including doctors, nurses and observers, arrived at Aosta de Protección Civil by constant indication of the Government. In these weeks, with the maximum unity and collaboration with the Conference of the Regions, we have also established to make additional resources available to the Regions to provide relief to penalized economic activities, with a fund that the president of the VDA is probably unaware of because there is no his public interventions in the institutional sphere ”.
“A clarification could be requested – continues Boccia – from the president of the Bonaccini Conference or the vice president Toti on the commitment respected by the Government to redistribute an additional fund of 250 million euros in the territories that will be made available to the penalized Regions by the closings that are added National refreshments “.
We await the contribution of President Lavevaz and his requests to the economic operators of Valle D’Aosta. Finally, the monitoring model is questioned. First of all, the president must know that it is strictly scientific, accepted by the Conference (and therefore VDA) exists since April 30 and each president for 7 months has had a report on the epidemiological condition of his territory on his desk each week.
“The Aosta Valley has lost 322 fellow citizens since the start of the pandemic, 5 only yesterday, President Lavevaz would do well to investigate all these aspects before making decisions that could cause not only health but also economic damage to a territory that is in great need of the support of the State. Full support that I confirm, reaffirm and assure again on behalf of the government. But always in full compliance with health and safety regulations ”.
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