A social-health worker at the Florentine Careggi hospital died at her home in Florence after being infected by the virus. She was found by a relative in the apartment where she lived alone. According to what emerged, the 51-year-old woman was followed remotely by doctors after contracting Covid 19. She suffered from other pathologies. His condition would suddenly worsen, leading to his death, which occurred on November 30. The hospital management expressed its condolences for the incident. On December 4, the colleagues from the women’s department, who worked in trauma at the CTO and was highly appreciated for her professionalism, will observe a minute of silence in her memory.
“The biggest regret? To have left you alone, without having known anything that you had caught the damn virus “, a co-worker writes, among them, in a message of condolences. “It will take time to process your loss – he continues – your memory will remain indelible, limpid. It will serve as a starting point, I will treasure your knowledge to try to become a better person ”. In the letter, the Careggi employee remembers the 51-year-old as a professional who carried out her work “with dedication”, “always present and ready to help colleagues in difficulty.”
Based on what emerged, from October 5 to November 27, 260 Careggi University Hospital employees tested positive for coronavirus, including 68 doctors, 96 nurses and 50 health social workers. 54 of the coronavirus-positive employees were on duty in the Covid area, 191 in non-Covid areas and 15 in the emergency room. Among the most affected pavilions is the hospitalization for trauma, where 18 cases were registered. This is followed by first aid (15 cases) and emergency cardiovascular surgery and transplants (11 cases).