
Will pregnant women be able to get the Covid vaccine from Pfizer? In the United Kingdom the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (i.e. the JCVI) advises pregnant women not to take it because the risks are still unknown. The news comes from the pages of the English Mirror.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization said at this time that there is no data on the safety of a pregnancy condition and does not advise pregnant women to take one.
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The JCVI updated its technical advice on vaccination priority groups after the UK approved the Pfizer vaccine for emergency use last Wednesday.
The JCVI advised pregnant women not to come forward for the injection, writing: “There is no data yet on the safety of Covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy, either from human or animal studies. Given the lack of evidence, JCVI favors a precautionary approach and does not currently recommend Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy. Women should be warned not to request vaccination if they may be pregnant or plan to become pregnant within three months of the first dose. ”
Even the media American people They are raising the case at this time, because they stand out (UsaToday) It is not yet clear if and when vaccines can be extended to pregnant people who have been excluded from their vaccine trials. As UsaToday reports, «Pregnant women are now directly in the high-risk population»said Anne Lyerly, a midwife and bioethicist at the University of North Carolina.
American researchers told Reuters that «The first two COVID-19 vaccines to enter large-scale studies in the United States Pregnant women will not be tested this year, raising questions about how this vulnerable population will be protected from the coronavirus.».
Last updated: 16:41