Coronavirus, run to the hyssop before Christmas: why do it. “But no hugs and kisses”


The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza announced today in the Senate the guidelines that the government intends to follow for the arrival of the Dpcm in the next few hours and effective as of December 4: the measures will last until after the Epiphany. The line of rigor and maximum prudence is maintained with the prohibition to leave the municipality of residence at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve for an even more incisive grip that keeps the contagion curve under control. It will still be possible to go to the restaurant for lunch.

No to reunions with family members or trips to second homes outside the region. Stop mobility from December 21 to January 7 to avoid the third wave. No to open ski resorts and no to cruise ships. Curfew at 10pm, even on holidays, including New Year’s Eve. And bars and restaurants close at 6pm even in the yellow regions.

Coronavirus, in Lazio ran to the hyssop before Christmas: here is when and where to do it

by Laura Barbuscia

At the moment, there are no exceptions to reaching distant relatives and reuniting with relatives in the municipalities where you do not reside. The three-color zone system remains in force, its validity could last at least until January 10, but there is “an ongoing debate on the weighting of the indicators,” Minister Speranza explained.

On the school front, however, the government and the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina They aim to reopen in January or even before the Christmas holidays, in mid-December. As for the hotels in the mountain: they will remain open. But at 6 p.m. on December 31, even hotel restaurants will have to close their doors and only room service will be allowed. Not only. The data shows that it is “possible that the whole country will reach the yellow zone in the next few weeks.”

What is to come will therefore be a Christmas, the first of the Covid era, full of recommendations, with seats at the table limited to the closest affections, a mask and disinfectant gel on hand. Greetings and toasts, kisses and hugs from a meter away. Rapid antigenic swab is highly recommended. The molecular is better, it is more reliable.

Lazio coronavirus, cases go back, 1,791 positives and 45 deaths. The curator: “For Christmas shopping it is essential to avoid crowded places”

by Laura Barbuscia

A squeeze should also come at Christmas dinners. Probably no indications will be given on the number of diners but, in any case, recommendations: no more than 6-7 at the table and all within the “family bubble”, or close relatives and partners. In short, the new Dpcm provides “clear and rigorous measures so as not to frustrate the efforts made so far.” Meanwhile, the tampon race has already started.

Tampon run for Christmas, because it is recommended to undergo the test

The tampon is especially recommended for those who are with elderly or frail people with pathologies. Five days before going to the family member, it is best to undergo molecular swabbing. Only in this way will we avoid transmitting the virus to those who are at risk. In the event that the test response is not positive, the risk of a false negative should never be underestimated. The possibility of getting infected remains. Therefore, the mask and spacer are still highly recommended.

How to organize and which exam is preferable to take

The fastest is the rapid antigenic swab: in 20 minutes, thanks to a sample in the nose, it is in fact possible to have the answer. And only in case of positivity in the same structure is it possible to perform a molecular swab. It is understood that the antigenic pad, if it is negative, cannot give the certainty that it is not positive. In summary, the molecular swab is still the most recommended because it is more reliable in establishing Sars-Cov2 infection. She is also very convinced of this. Mariastella giorlandino, administrator of Artemisia Lab networks. “In our centers – Giorlandino explains – there are already about three hundred people who have reserved a tampon around Christmas. Since last Friday we have tried to accommodate everyone’s reservations and always remember to contact us for a few days before to evaluate individual situations and establish the most suitable times and methods “.

Coronavirus, in Rome the Christmas lunch for those in need of Sant’Egidio is canceled

How long before it is necessary to do this

“You don’t have to be in a hurry and be ahead of the times,” Giorlandino repeated several times. The reasons are multiple. “On the sixth / seventh day from the contact at risk, for example – he explains – a quantitative and non-qualitative antigen must be made, which must be done on the ninth / tenth day to be sure of the virus status of the antigen. The first is therefore, more specific to the second. In both cases, however, if the result is positive, it must be verified with the molecular one: the only one that clarifies whether the current virus is Covid, and that it can also be done on the fifth day ” . But why is the rapid antigen test not good to do it before the eighth, ninth day from the suspicion? “If someone had a risk contact 5 days before going to see a relative but took the rapid qualitative test a few days before, it may be negative. The antigen does not see Covid, the only one is the molecular swab that can already be done on the fifth, sixth day from the contact of the virulent person. “Even undergoing the serological test with a view to the holidays is still important to have an image general: the result can indicate if the virus is in progress, if there is not a vital aspect or if you always have antibodies on day 7. However, the result should be verified in the following days with the molecular.

How to behave with children

In view of the Christmas celebrations, quantitative and qualitative rapid antigen testing is recommended for children because it is not very invasive. Although, for the pediatrician Giovanni Tomassini “Putting the little ones to the quick swab can be useful, but not decisive. Since there are so many false negatives ”. For greater security, therefore, “parents and grandparents, if necessary even the smallest, should undergo molecular swabbing, it being understood that they only do it in some centers and the response is not rapid.” What Tomassini recommends is “not showing grandparents to grandchildren at lunch and dinner, but possibly outdoors and outdoors. If staying indoors is absolutely essential, try to keep the windows open or stay on the terrace. But nothing . hugs and kisses”.

I evaluate

Coronavirus, hurry to the hyssop so you can stay for Christmas with your loved ones

by Alessandra Ziniti

What behaviors to maintain

Complying with anti-Covid rules and regulations is what experts recommend to keep doing: wash your hands, sanitize them with disinfectant gel, put on a mask and keep your distance. “Celebrate yes, but safely. Stay with the family, but not extended. And only if it is not necessary,” he recommends Antonio Magi, president of the order of doctors of Rome, who also recalls that “Christmas does not mean freedom for everyone.” That is why “being careful is essential at this time, especially if you share spaces with older people or with previous pathologies: wearing a tampon is necessary”. Another advice: “Who can, mobilize to buy Christmas gifts in these days before the holidays to avoid crowds and crowds.” Regarding the behaviors to implement at the table and at home: “Whoever has to reach a distant relative, undergo the swab and wait for the test result. In the case of people who live in the same house, just be careful and always keep your distance. Also because with the drop in temperatures, it is unlikely that people will keep the windows open. And in a closed and non-ventilated space, the situation is more at risk “.

Where it is possible to do it

The scene changes from one region to another. In Lazio, for example, rapid swabbing is possible in many private laboratories and in 209 pharmacies, many of which are already equipped with outdoor gazebos. The figures speak for themselves: “There are more than 15,000 rapid smears performed in ten days in Lazio pharmacies alone.” This was stated by the president of Federfarma, Andrea Cicconetti, who added that “on Saturday there were 3,500.” As regards, however, the price of the tests, in Lazio it is regulated by the Region and is equal to 22 euros. While in Puglia it is 25 euros, in Lombardy it is much higher, even exceeding 50 euros. Molecular swabbing, on the other hand, can only be performed with a prescription at one of the drive-ins of the regional network or, for a fee but always with a white prescription, at one of the laboratories authorized by the Region.
