The Christmas Dpcm and all Italy in the yellow zone in mid-December


Editorial Board
02 December 2020 15:12

“With the new Dpcm we must continue with clear and rigorous measures. It is necessary to limit movements and reduce contacts. The next holidays must be faced with extreme seriousness if we do not want new and strong closings between January and February ”. Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health, illustrated today in the Senate the new Dpcm with the measures to contain the coronavirus that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is preparing to sign in the next few hours: it will be effective from Friday, December 4. stop moving between regions and, at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year, even between municipalities.

The Christmas Dpcm and “all Italy in the yellow zone in mid-December”

In recent days in Italy we have witnessed a curve drop epidemiological, but lower your guard now would be a mistake: the third wave is just around the corner. That is why the tricolor system – red zone, orange zone and yellow zone – must be confirmed in the new Dpcm in the government’s classification based on the situation of the epidemiological curve and the pressure on hospitals. “In the next Dpcm, the government’s intention will be to reconfirm the tricolor system for the regions, with orange, red and yellow bands, which has created the conditions to control the epidemic. The results have pointed in the right direction. and we must reconfirm this model without a generalized lockdown in this second wave, ”Minister Speranza said today.

“All Italy in the yellow zone in 15 days”

There could be a turning point in a couple of weeks, with the whole country in yellow zone, as announced by the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia: “December should be the month that makes us secure the country without making a national blockade. Within 15 days all of Italy or most of Italy will be yellow, we believe specific restrictions for the vacation period that does not make us relax our behavior. On January 7 the country will start again, with a great campaign of vaccines “.

The yellow or yellow zone reinforced with the travel ban

The government’s objective is to bend the contagion curve without reaching a generalized blockade. That is why the restrictions on Christmas and New Years will be stricter. “It is an important day: I expect an Rt that has reached 1, even that many regions that are now red turn orange or yellow,” Giuseppe Conte announced a few days ago. And by the middle of the month all or most of Italy could be painted yellow. Or a “reinforced” yellow, with important limitations that are currently being studied by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Health. In trips, for example, with the prohibition of leaving the municipality itself on holidays, at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve. However, as of December 21, travel between yellow regions should only be allowed to return to the place of residence.

Movements prohibited at Christmas, San Esteban and New Years in the new Dpcm December 3

“The holidays must be faced seriously, if we do not want new strong closures between January and February,” Speranza reiterated. “Without rigid rules, coexistence with the virus until the vaccine is doomed. With the next Dpcm we must continue with measures strict Also so as not to frustrate what has been done in recent weeks. There are two basic options: reconfirmation of the system of the three zones, red, orange and yellow. Ministry technicians are discussing the parameters together with the regions, but this tool is effective Today the regions tend to yellow, but if the outlook worsens, we have an automatic tool that can immediately activate more restrictive measures ”.

regions of the red yellow-orange zone-4-2
