Distance education cannot last much longer, the government has understood this and the minister Paola De Micheli had one of his strokes of genius: sending the kids to school even on the weekends.
The owner of the Department of Transport, who entered the Chamber in 2008 as an exponent of the Latvian think tanks Trecentosessanta and Vedrò and then became pro-Renziano during the last legislature, could now become the classic ‘slaughtered lamb’ in context of a government reorganization. De Micheli, who had already held government positions with Renzi and Gentiloni and was even commissioned for the reconstruction of the areas affected by the 2016 earthquake, became the protagonist of countless and shameful gaffes and mistakes. However, the minister is portrayed as “a very competent and well prepared person”. “Obviously a woman who has such a great responsibility is criticized because she wants to face problems and wants to solve them. Many criticisms are excessive and not very generous ”, says a ilgiornale.it who knows De Micheli well and for a long time. The fact is that, after the closure, more than something did not work in public transport and this mainly affected the world of school.
“Unfortunately, we have to point out that our country is forced to apply new restrictions also due to some sectors where little work has been done. Minister De Micheli has been minimizing for days, but transport public is still a problem to be addressed “, wrote the grillini senators of the Public Works and Transportation commission at the end of October, blaming it for the closure of schools and indirectly saving the grillina Lucía Azzolina from her breaches. Still: He talks about studies related to the safety of local public transport in an unclear way, but the truth is that on crowded platforms or train cars with hundreds of people without windows, safety cannot be guaranteed ”. In fact, to remedy the impossibility of solving the problem of the overcrowding of the metro and buses, De Micheli even proposed to consider the students as “family”. His solution was to give one “A broader definition of the concept of family, also extended to colleagues and co-workers to repeal the distance of one meter”.
Even stranger is his alternative proposal to the Bridge over the Strait. “We have created a commission to understand the best way to connect Sicily with Calabria. To connect them by rail, road and bike path “, wrote on Twitter De Micheli who, in Parliament, is known for being a woman with a very sporty character, with a past as a runner and as a volleyball player. She, who in the two-year period 2016-2018 was also the first female president of the men’s Serie A Volleyball League, was immediately attacked on social media. Comedian Luca bizzarri who, on Twitter, commented: “I wonder how they don’t know that lying to them is getting too easy. (However, I suggest the catapult) “. Much more serious was the attitude taken by the minister this summer when, referring to the inconveniences related to the Ligurian road network, he spoke of“Practically invented narrative”, only to quickly retract his words.
An endless series of gaffes that put the minister’s job in bad shape, even if his personal satisfaction is not so disastrous. “She is a reserved minister, not a prominent one. His words are not the object of the same attention reserved to the Minister of Education, Health or Economy ”, explains the pollster. Alessandro Amadori, contacted by phone from ilGiornale.it, who concludes: “She is neither loved nor hated, she is a little emotionally invested figure, in a sense it is as if the collective imagination had not yet made a precise idea of this minister. Almost a question mark … “.