Stop moving It will be prohibited to move from one Region to another except for work or health reasons, to reach the residence or for “necessity”, self-certified, such as “assisting a single parent.” On December 25 and 26 it will also be prohibited to leave the municipality itself. And the recommendation not to sit at the table, even indoors, on vacation with people who do not live together. The closure of the ski resorts has been confirmed, while the chapters of school and family reunification outside the Region remain open.
The nodes of school and family reunification In the Dpcm there will be measures “for a gradual return to the school in which we are working in these hours,” guaranteed the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina. According to the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, “secondary schools could reopen in mid-December, there are discussions underway, but it would be better for me to open them in January.” Regarding family reunification, however, the confrontation takes place in the Senate, with Italy alive and a minority of the Democratic Party asking to be allowed even outside the Region and loosening control of Christmas.
The signing of the new Dpcm on Thursday A decree law will also reach the Council of Ministers to define the scope of the new restrictions, starting with the travel ban, and allow the next Dpcm to last more than thirty days (it is debated whether to set the limit at 45, 50 or 60) , to cover the holidays at least until the Befana. On Thursday night, after the presentation at the press conference, the signature of Prime Minister Conte could arrive.
Esperanza: “Let’s not lower our guard” On the measures, however, the strong resistance comes first from Parliament. Minister Speranza in the Senate and in the Chamber illustrates the line agreed in the government. He says he is confident that the RT index will soon drop below 1, but warns that “sunlight” does not mean “without danger”: “If we let our guard down, the third wave is just around the corner.” To round the curve avoiding the general blockade, explains the Minister of Health, meetings in ski resorts should be avoided and international movements limited.
The showdown in the Senate In Palazzo Madama a tough dispute develops between the leaders of the majority groups, who cannot reach an agreement on a common resolution to be voted on in the House: the leaders of the groups in the Health Committee sign a generic approval for Speranza’s communications. At the barricades are Davide Faraone (Iv) and Andrea Marcucci (Pd). “No to the closure of municipalities at Christmas”, because – they say in unison – it makes no sense to sanction those who live in small towns, perhaps without a restaurant. Open to meetings with closest relatives, parents and grandparents. And, asks the pharaoh, Christmas Eve cruises and dinners will be allowed at the hotel. Marcucci’s line is not that of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti and Dario Franceschini immediately clarify, describing very irritated with the leader of the Democratic group: “We need the utmost caution.”