Coronavirus in Trentino, the first case since the beginning of the epidemic in Sagron-Mis. The 77 municipalities of the contagion and where the 3 deaths occurred


TRENTO. exist 16,789 almost me 730 deaths in Trentino due to the coronavirus emergency since the beginning of the epidemic, they are 13,497 the healed from the beginning of the emergency and 2,562 current positives. Unfortunately, 3 deaths were reported, 1 in RSA. The deaths were attributed to the Municipalities of Trento, Tesero me Vigolana Plateau. The balance is 260 deaths in this second wave of Covid-19 (article here). The president of the province, Maurizio Fugatti, signed a new ordinance to lighten some measures (here article). The territory today mourns the cycling champion Aldo moser (Here article).

There are 459 people seeking treatment in the hospital system of which 47 patients are in intensive care me 52 in high intensity. They have been found 278 positives based on the analysis of 3,705 swabsMolecular for a contagion / buffer ratio of 7.5%. 1,067 people were tested and the infection rate is 26%.

Among the new infections detected with molecular swab, 89 have symptoms and 189 have been identified by screening. There are also very small ones: 1 child under 2 years old and another from 3 to 5 years old. Today 106 cases among those over 70 years. There are 58 cases between guests and operators of the RSA, the instructions of the authorities are to reduce screening (here article). “The screening swabs to the operators are done every 7 days. If, on the contrary, the coronavirus is cured, it is not necessary since it is difficult for there to be a relapse, the test is carried out only in the presence of symptoms “, says theCouncilor Stefania Segnana.

In addition, investigations relating to 23 new positive cases among school-age children and youth to establish the isolation provisions of the classes, 78 the data updated to yesterday.

These data do not take into account antigenic tests, a contagion that seems to triple what was communicated through the most official channels. In fact, molecular swabs are increasingly used as a control method (article here – article here). During the last days a petition was launched (HERE TO SIGN) to ask more transparency to the province of Trento and the president Fugatti in connection with the dissemination of data on the infection.

In Trentino, these are not currently calculated among the positives. found with antigenic swabs which, however, come put in isolation, are also “regulated” in the formulary for the workplace, are counted to establish red zones and they are now the majority; instead of ”break free” antigenic positives serve the molecular buffer (or at least it was necessary as the 21 day rule will also be introduced from the next few days) and then the healed enter the official counts.

On Saturday, for example, before 219 infections reported by the authorities, more than 550 cases with antigen tests must be added (here article). However, since Monday, November 30, the ministry had requested the Autonomous Regions and Provinces to communicate complete data, as well as keep items separate antigen positive” e ”positive molecular” Then came a stand-by to conclude the preparation of the platform and then the numbers have not yet been communicatedWait till the bitter end Instead, the province of Bolzano has been providing comprehensive information for a few days (article here).

After three months of the second wave of Covid-19 since Tuesday, December 1, the toll free 800867388. Operators respond to the multiple requests for information that arrive at this stage of the emergency on current measures, movements, school, tampon procedures, isolations and quarantines. The number responds from 8 to 18 from Monday to Friday, Saturday from 8 to 14. The invitation of theProvincial health services company in case of symptoms, consult your family doctor or pediatrician.

In detail the results of molecular swabs. There are 76 new positives to Trento leading to 3,368 cases since the beginning of the epidemic and 496 positive today. To these are added 18 infections to Pergine (1,065 cases since the beginning of the epidemic – 114 currently positive) and Rovereto (988 cases – 204 current positives), 13 d. Arc (631 cases – 71 current positives).

There are 8 infections by First San Martino di Castrozza (77 cases since the beginning of the epidemic – 46 currently positive), 6 to Dro (157 cases – 20 current positives) e Bedollo (92 cases – 13 positive current), 5 a Predazzo (185 cases – 20 current positives), 4 to Tesero (164 cases – 49 current positives), Riva del Garda (385 cases – 65 current positives), Mezzolombardo (205 cases – 21 current positives), San Giovanni di Fassa (144 cases 18 positive current), Villa Lagarina (59 cases – 15 current positives), Canal San Bovo (55 cases – 4 current positives) e Mezzano (25 cases – 9 current positives), 3rd Levico (305 cases – 36 current positives), B.orgo churches (152 cases – 12 current positives), Giudicarie saddle (132 cases – 22 current positives), Male (114 cases – 8 current positives), Cavedine (97 cases – 13 current positives), Moena (69 cases – 11 current positives) e Terragnolo (13 cases – 6 current positives).

Then 2 to Athe plateau of Vigolana (155 cases – 30 current positives), I died (210 cases – 43 current positives), Borgo Valsugana (175 cases – 47 current positives), Brentonico (121 cases – 24 current positives), Bleggio Superiore (115 cases – 19 current positives), Telve (100 cases – 73 current positives), Castello-Molina di Fiemme (79 cases – 10 current positives), Tenno (46 cases – 8 current positives), Tenna (44 cases – 11 current positives), Calceranica (37 cases – 7 current positives), Dimaro Folgarida (37 cases – 9 current positives), Asleep (36 cases – 7 current positives), Soraga (20 cases -2 positive current), Imer (18 cases – 12 current positives) e Course (15 cases – 4 current positives).

And 1 more positive Lavis (350 cases – 47 current positives), Cles (286 cases – 52 current positives), Predaia (173 cases – 24 current positives), Ville d’Anaunia (156 cases – 21 current positives), Storo (152 cases – 13 current positives), To (141 cases – 33 current positives), Pieve di Bono-Prezzo (109 cases – 6 current positives), Castel Ivano (108 cases – 29 current positives), Caldonazzo (102 cases -12 positive current), Canazei (102 cases – 3 current positives), Besenello (82 cases – 9 current positives), Villas of Fiemmand (79 cases – 17 current positives), Vallelaghi (73 cases – 18 current positives), Novella (71 cases – 11 current positives), Force (64 cases – 12 current positives), Campodenno (58 cases – 9 current positives), Folgaria (57 cases – 19 current positives), Isera (57 cases – 13 current positives), Sant’Orsola Terme (50 cases – 11 current positives), Roncegno (49 cases – 7 current positives), Pomarolo (47 cases – 6 current positives), Nogaredo (45 cases – 10 current positives), Segonzano (44 cases – 10 current positives), Ziano di Fiemme (41 cases – 13 current positives), Peio (40 cases – 7 current positives), Giustino (35 cases – 5 current positives), Mazzin (29 cases – 2 current positives), Stenic (29 cases – 2 current positives), Scurelle (28 cases – 9 current positives), Cavareno (24 cases – 4 current positives), Pieve Ticino (24 cases – 8 current positives), Vallarsa (24 cases – 4 current positives), Caldes (22 cases – positive current), Novaledo (21 cases – 8 current positives), Panchià (19 cases – 4 current positives), Ossana (17 cases – 4 current positives), Castelnuovo (16 cases – 3 current positives), Sfruz (15 cases – 3 current positives), Ticino belts (4 cases – 3 of positive current) e Sagron Mis (1 case – 1 positive current).
