Virus emergency, Val d’Aosta goes on its own: anti-Dpcm law in controversy with the government. The Democratic Party abstains


After tensions with the Conte government on the classification of Red zone and in the closing of ski resorts, Valle d’Aosta claims its autonomy from state powers in the management of the health emergency due to coronavirus with a regional law. It is the last act of the long controversy between the progressive-autonomist board that administers the Vallée and the central government. But the Pd, who on the progressive front supports the governor Erik lavevaz, on this last “decree law anti-Dpcm” abstained.

On the law, approved with 28 votes in favor and 7 abstentions, the majority of the center-left was in fact divided in the vote: the autonomists (Alliance valdotaine, Stella Alpina, Union valdotaine and Vallée d’Aoste Unie) voted in favor of the groups Lega e For autonomy, While and progressives, with the Pd, he abstained.

Valle d’Aosta defies the government and “opens” shops in anticipation of the orange zone

by Sarah Martinenghi

The norm approved by the Aosta Valley County Council regulates the “freedom of movement of citizens, economic activities and social relations, compatible with measures to combat the spread of the virus“. In particular, it foresees that the Region intervene in the”business openings“and in the”practice of sports activity“, similarly to what the province of Bolzano did last spring. events and demonstrations if “established by an ordinance of the President of the Region” and also ecclesiastical or religious events. A support and coordination unit is also established for the Covid-19 emergency.

Val d’Aosta red zone, the governor writes to Speranza: “Reclassify us, you miscalculated”

The tension between the Aosta Valley administrators and the central government is only growing: the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia invited President Lavevaz to revoke the order with which on Tuesday he ordered the reopening of the stores proximity, without prejudice to the red zone in which the region is still located. This was reported by President Lavevaz himself in the Regional Council. In the letter, Minister Boccia recalls “the responsibilities that could arise from the application of the measures introduced in terms of maintenance of health networks and protection of the health of the citizens of Valle d’Aosta.”

The Val d’Aosta is still a red zone, the governor’s anger: “Tell us why, this is not serious”

In response, Lavevaz announced that The Aosta Valley will challenge the order of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, that reclassified Piedmont, Lombardy and Calabria in the orange zone, leaving the alpine region in the red zone: “This is what I explained to the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia – said the governor in the Regional Council – in response to his invitation to revoke our order to reopen the retail trade”.

Not only. Lavevaz returned to the question of closing of the ski lifts at Christmas decided by the executive: “I do not know if due to ignorance of the mountain – said the governor – or more simply due to different sensitivities of the components of the government, but I must say that one thing that I have clearly seen is the difficulty to understand the legitimate needs of the mountain to the government itself: the impression is that the mountain is seen as a playground of the big cities, which we know very well that is not the case ”.

Virus, in the Aosta Valley has already reached the same number of victims of the first wave

by Paolo Viotti

Meanwhile, yesterday they enrolled in the Aosta Valley five more dead due to Covid. This is what is read in the bulletin of the Region based on the data provided by the Local Health Authority. In the last 24 hours, 42 new positive cases and 96 cures; the total of current infected is reduced to 1,206. There are 135 hospitalized, 13 of them in intensive care. The total of deaths amounts to 322 (more than half of which, 176, in the second wave).
