Coronavirus, new Dpcm: from school to parties with relatives, all the knots still to be solved. Anti-movement decree is coming


cdm at night

On December 25 and 26 and January 1, you will not even be able to leave your municipality. There will be no rules and prohibitions on people who will stay for dinner or lunch at home, but recommendations and an invitation to avoid being with people who do not live together.

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On December 25 and 26 and January 1, you will not even be able to leave your municipality. There will be no rules and prohibitions on people who will stay for dinner or lunch at home, but recommendations and an invitation to avoid being with people who do not live together.

4 ‘reading

Ban on leaving your municipality at Christmas and New Years, but with the possibility of going to a restaurant for lunch. No to reunions with family members or trips to second homes outside the region. No skiing, no cruises. These are the measures that the Government should propose to Parliament in a few hours, with a view to the launch of the new anti-Covid dpcm, which will be in force as of December 4. And that it will continue in force “certainly beyond Epiphany” as reported by the Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia. The government has also decided to include in the package of bans that of keeping hotel restaurants open on New Year’s Eve. A choice made after verifying that many citizens had booked rooms in hotels throughout Italy with dinner included. A way to get around the bans on organizing parties and dinners. The school knot remains: there is no decision to return to classes before Christmas. The maximum number of diners should not be prohibited for people who organize dinners or lunches at home, but rather the invitation to avoid being at the table with people who do not live together. The exceptions are not yet understood. For example, in the case of lonely older people.

The fear of the third wave

As confirmed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in his speech in the Senate on the measures for the Covid emergency, in the next dpcm the government’s intention is to reconfirm the tricolor system for the regions, with orange and red bands. and yellow, which “created the conditions to control the epidemic.” But as of December 21 (the date is not yet “armored”), the “reinforced yellow zone” should come into force to prevent the Christmas holidays from raising the contagion curve, plunging the country into the third wave.


The exception of restaurants open for lunch at Christmas.

The measures are for hours at the center of a sometimes tense discussion between the ministers: in comparison the rigorous line of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the ministers of Pd Dario Franceschini and Francesco Boccia, with the line of prudence expressed by the 5s Alfonso Bonafede, and the most ‘open-minded’ of Iv Minister Teresa Bellanova. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte finally took the most prudent line. The only exception are restaurants: for the Prime Minister they will be open for lunch, in the yellow zones, on December 25 and 26 and on January 1. The text of the Dpcm, which will enter into force on Friday, will be delivered to the Regions for a final evaluation before the Council of Ministers to be held tonight at 9:00 p.m.

Dpcm – draft for regions after Cdm, signed Thursday night

A meeting, that of Palazzo Chigi, in which the approval of a Decree-law of only two articles is expected to extend the measures of the Dpcm until after the Epiphany, which entering into force on the 4th could not go beyond the January 3. (Dpcm is valid for one month, ed). But above all to entrust to a provision of higher rank, such as the decree law, the task of limiting movement between Regions from December 20 to January 6 only to cases of need such as assistance to a single parent (with attached self-certification). The Dpcm with the new measures to combat the contagion of Covid will instead be approved on December 3. The draft should be sent to the Regions between tonight and tomorrow, so that they have time to comment before Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s signature, scheduled for the afternoon of December 3, and be published in the Official Gazette in the afternoon or, at in any case, before midnight. The measures will take effect from December 4

Close in motion

On the displacements, after a long debate, the line of prudence won in the government. During the Christmas period, you may move between Regions only to get to your residence and perhaps even your home, as well as for proven work, health, or need reasons. On the other hand, it will not be possible to move to meet relatives or go to second homes outside the region. Armored Christmas and New Years therefore. On December 25 and 26 and January 1, you will not even be able to leave your municipality. People who will be staying for dinner or lunch at home will not receive rules and prohibitions, but recommendations and an invitation to avoid being with people who do not live together.
