“You can fight with me to keep the schools open as much as possible. There are high school students in front of the PC and I am doing everything possible to reopen the schools ”.
Thus, the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina at the APN conference, speaking with President Antonello Giannelli and Flavio Insinna.
“Anita is right – Azzolina continued, referring to the young student from Turin who has been fighting for weeks to open her school -, should remain in school, he would have every right to do so, even the provisions of the Dpcm provide for it. The school has precise rules, so you are welcome to help me in the struggle we are having, which refers to a cultural problem in the country ”.
“Keeping schools open in the red zones has not been easy – stressed the minister -. Families, students, and most of the school staff are demanding the school’s attendance. School marks the day, it is a beautiful world that must be valued, not demonized as someone is trying to do even these days, it must be protected. The school must be able to grasp the potential of each individual student and improve it. The more open the schools are, the more we do the country a favor ”.
Azzolina: “The school was treated like the closet at home, it took a pandemic for it to be important”