In the province of Ravenna, 186 cases have been registered today: there are 91 men and 95 women; 96 asymptomatic and 90 with symptoms; 180 in home isolation and 6 hospitalized. In detail: 105 from contact tracing; 56 for symptoms; 18 for private tests, 6 for hospital tests, 1 for returning from abroad (Ethiopia). The swabs performed were 1,504 (12.3 positive swabs per 100). Today The Region has reported 10 deaths, not all related to the last 24 hours: there are 8 women from 66, 81, 82, 83, 86, 90, 92 and 97 years old and 2 men 71 and 89 years old. 61 cures were reported. Therefore, the total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area is 8,387. This is the distribution in the municipalities:
- 3,303 in the municipality of Ravenna (+76)
- 1,447 Faenza (+26)
- 778 Lugo (+ 21)
- 497 Cervia (+6)
- 301 Bagnacavallo (+ 6)
- 241 Alfonsine (+ 5)
- 220 Russians
- 210 Bolognese Castle (+ 5)
- 184 Massa Lombarda (+ 7)
- 163 Cotignola
- 150 Brisighella (+ 2)
- 146 Conselice (+11)
- 130 Fusignano (+ 5)
- 88 Solarolo (+ 4)
- 85 Riolo Terme (+ 2)
- 67 Sant’Agata sul Santerno (+ 1)
- 38 Bagnara (+ 3)
- 17 Casola Valsenio
- 322 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+ 6)
In Emilia-Romagna there are today 1,569 new cases of positivity, with almost 20,000 swabs and an average of 7.8 positive swabs per 100, an average lower than that registered yesterday (The positive cases yesterday were 1,471, with 17,000 swabs and a ratio of 8.7 positive swabs per 100). Of the new positives, 838 asymptomatic patients were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of positives today is 44.7 years. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 126,110 cases of positivity have so far been recorded in Emilia-Romagna.
ACTIVE COVID CASES – The active cases to date are 71,305 (- 537 the day before).
PEOPLE IN HOME ISOLATION – To date there are 68,366 (- 500 compared to yesterday).
PEOPLE IN INTENSIVE CARE – There are 247 patients in intensive care throughout the region (as yesterday), and they are distributed as follows: 13 in Piacenza (-2 compared to Yesterday), 16 in Parma (+2), 34 in Reggio Emilia (unchanged), 57 in Modena (+1), 60 in Bologna (+4), 4 in Imola (unchanged), 18 in Ferrara (-3) , 12 in Ravenna (-2), 6 in Forlì (-1), 3 in Cesena (unchanged) and 24 in Rimini (+1).
PERSONS HOSPITALIZED IN COVID DEPARTMENTS – The patients admitted to the Covid wards are currently 2,692 (-37).
THE HEALED – The total number of people healed since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 48,931 (+ 2,037).
DEATH – Unfortunately, there are 69 new deaths: 18 in Bologna (10 women of which four are 90 years old, two 92 years old and the rest 63, 83, 87 and 93 years old and 8 men, two of whom 90 years old and the rest 73, 80, 81, 85, 91 and 96 years), 10 to Ravenna (8 women from 66, 72, 81, 83, 86, 90, 92, 97 and 2 men aged 71 and 89), 8 in Piacenza (6 women of which 2 are 92 years old and the rest 50, 74, 84 and 88 years old and 2 men 85 and 89 years old), 7 in Reggio Emilia (4 men of which three are 72 years old and one is 86 and 3 women of which two are 92 years old and one is 87), 7 to Ferrara (5 men from 55, 77, 82, 89 and 90 years and 2 women of 80 and 97 years), 6 to Parma (4 women aged 61, 76, 86 and 99 years old and 2 men aged 70 and 75 years old), 6 to Modena (4 women aged 85, 86, 89 and 92 and 2 men aged 79 and 94), 5 in Rimini (3 men of 78, 84 and 91 years old and 2 women of 82 and 97 years old), 1 in Forlì-Cesena (1 73-year-old man). Among the deaths there is also a 72-year-old man, diagnosed by the Parma Local Health Authority but residing outside the Region. In total, there have been 5,874 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.
CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:
- 28,113 in Bologna and Imola (+ 363, of which 139 symptomatic)
- 22,991 to Modena (+ 191, of which 121 symptomatic)
- 17,967 in Reggio Emilia (+ 166, of which 61 symptomatic)
- 12,715 in Piacenza (+ 122, of which 47 symptomatic)
- 10,565 to Parma (+35, of which 19 symptomatic)
- 10,434 in Rimini (+ 293, of which 155 symptomatic)
- 8,387 to Ravenna (+ 186, of which 90 symptomatic)
- 6,235 to Ferrara (+ 118, of which 31 symptomatic)
- 4,634 in Forlì (+ 46, of which 38 symptomatic)
- 4,069 in Cesena (+49, of which 32 symptomatic)