Piano Vaccini, from January the first doses (and it will be free). First to doctors and the elderly, then to school personnel



202 million doses of the anti-Covid vaccine will be available from the first quarter of 2021: this is foreseen in the vaccination plan that the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza illustrated in Parliament.

“To date, Ema has set two dates to express her opinion: December 29 on the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine and January 12 on Moderna. While i speak – Specified Speranza – There are no other dates set by Ema. The contracts signed by the European Commission, from which the deliveries to our country derive, must always be considered the best scenario and always subordinate to the authorization processes that, I repeat, still do not have absolute certainty ”.

Still: “The vaccine is a common good, a right that must be guaranteed to all people, women and men, regardless of income and the territory in which each one lives or works; no inequality will be admissible in the vaccination campaign. In the initial stage there will be centralized vaccinations in hospitals or with mobile units. It is estimated a need of about 20 thousand people. The professional skills existing in the country will also be used with ‘invitation’ posting participate in the campaign as well as sign agreements with the Ministry of Research for contacts with schools of medical specialization. Thousands of students enrolled in graduate schools will participate. They will also be involved vaccination clinics me family doctors “.

We will proceed with a centralized purchasing system and the vaccine will be given for free to all Italians. The heart of the field vaccination according to the forecasts will be between next spring and summer.

The priority categories will be: health and social workers, RSA residents and staff and of people in old age with people with chronic diseases. Next, the doses will be followed for specific sectors of the population, such as essential personnel, school and law enforcement. The distribution will be carried out with the participation of the armed forces.

The main points

  • The first doses of the Pfizer vaccine will arrive between January 23 and 26 and will be stored in 300 identified points within hospitals
  • The priority is to give it to the medical-health and RSA personnel, then to those over 80 and then to 60-70 and so on to other groups, including essential workers and the chronically ill.
  • Large public spaces, fairs and gyms will be used for mass vaccination. The participation of the army is also expected.

Esperanza: “If we let our guard down, the third wave is just around the corner” [VIDEO]

