The Culture Commission has held the hearing of Agostino Miozzo, as coordinator of the technical-scientific Commission constituted in the Department of Civil Protection of the Presidency of the Council, on the evaluations of the same Commission on the prospects of resuming the teaching activity in presence.
“In 40 sessions of the 131st of the Scientific-Technical Committee we talked about issues related to school and university, so once out of every three we addressed the issue to the committee. For weeks our goal has been to reopen as soon as possible but above all to keep it open. Transportation is a major risk ”.
Then reiterate: “All members of the Scientific Technical Committee agree that schools should be reopened as soon as possible and safely, to keep them open. It would be devastating to imagine a return to classes and then a new closure determined by the evolution of the epidemic ”.
“When we started to address the issue of school, we realized that nothing was working in our favor. In May, the CTS was convened to evaluate the reopening period in
school presence, from primary to university – Miozzo recalled: we are faced with the four pillars of the school world that gave evidence of an ancestral evil, of a school that has been a poor daughter of the national system for decades ”.
The first pillar, Miozzo stressed, it is “school health that no longer existed and we have seen how important it would have been to have a benchmark in schools.”
The second pillar is “the physical structures of the school world, which suffer from the old structural deficit that becomes evident when the need is to implement physical distancing”. – he said – this highlighted the overcrowding of schools ”.
“The third pillar we addressed was that of transport linked to the world of education, a mobility that affects 10-11 million people”he continued.
“The fourth pillar is human resources, which became even more deficient – has explained – you understand the difficulty if you have to train two of a kind ”.
“The CTS throughout this period has always expressed itself unanimously, underlining the need to look carefully at the reopening,” he stressed.
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