News in WhatsApp: custom wallpapers arrive chat and also a new pack of animated stickers in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). These are the news that the application announces for the next few days, which has more than two billion users around the world.
Regarding funds, there will be four new features: the ability to use custom backgrounds in each chat; predefined backgrounds of different colors; a richer and more updated gallery of wallpapers; the possibility of setting different backgrounds for the two different modes of use, the classic and the dark.
In particular, you will be able to make chats discoverable by using a custom background, so that you can distinguish them clearly and avoid sending the wrong message in the wrong chat.
There is also a new search function for stickers with text or emoji and a new pack of animated stickers in collaboration with WHO. It’s called “Together at Home” and it’s available in the form of animated stickers. It is available within WhatsApp, with text in 9 languages, including Italian.