Is a Giorgia Meloni He unleashed the one that this morning intervened in the Chamber of Deputies to talk about the much discussed security, immediately attacked by the left team that now makes up the majority. Decrees now dismantled by the government, and to protect that the center-right has already promised a battle, with the former deputy prime minister and leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini even asking for a meeting with the President of the Republic Sergio Matterella.
“I am speaking in this House because I want to do my part in this obstacle that is being made by the compact center-right to try to avoid the approval of this. insecurity decree“, begins the president of Fratelli d’Italia, as seen in the video that she has just published on her Facebook page. A decree that Meloni does not hesitate to define a“One more shit, with which this government tries to make the traffickers earn billions of euros, the slave trade of the third millennium, filling Italy and not only with illegal immigrants.”
The confrontation between the opposition and the government is not possible, explains the leader of FdI. And the reason is simple. “There is nothing sensible in what you are doing”, attacks. “There is nothing that can reasonably be considered an attempt to govern such a complex phenomenon as irregular immigration. And most know it well. You know this because you have been trying to escape this confrontation for years. Anyone who has tried to ask trivial questions has been accused of being xenophobic and racist. “
Those questions, however, Meloni continues, were not difficult, and the left knows that what is happening stems from an ideological hoax. If not, then the current situation is one’s daughter “left now totally prone to the interests of the great financial speculation, of great capital, the kind that use hundreds of thousands of desperate people to produce approvals in companies and sell people’s rights ”.
The left obviously has a problem to answer, continues the president of the Brothers of Italy:“It is difficult to explain to Italians why, while there are millions of people desperate due to the Covid emergency and thousands of problems to deal with, the parliament of the Italian Republic does not deal with those millions of Italians who pay the salaries of these parliamentarians and think instead of immigrants. “ It is also difficult to explain, Meloni continues, how, even though the infection is spreading throughout the world, rather than defending borders the government opens them. And while Italians are told that they will not be allowed to move from one region to another, immigrants can even move from one nation to another or from one continent to another. A paradox on which it is impossible to close your eyes.
“It is also difficult to explain why for months we were told that the virus ‘did not run on ships’, and when we asked for the scientific evidence for these clever statements, we were told that we were racists. Then the news told another story“attacks the leader of FdI, citing the recent events in Nice. “On ships, in addition to the virus, the terrorism International Islamic “.
And the Italian government, instead, is thinking of modifying the Salvini decrees. The questions, Meloni concludes, are many:“Why did we spend 30 million euros on the relaunch decree to carry out hiring that served to accelerate the regularization of immigrants, while Italians did not receive layoffs after 5 months? And why while Italians are prevented from paying in cash, eliminate the money transfer tax, that is, the movement of cash abroad, a tool used by foreign organized crime, such as the Nigerian mafia? “ All nonsense for Giorgia Meloni, who brings up the subject before closing with his speech Laura Boldrini, well-known promoter of indiscriminate hospitality. “He added elements of great seriousness”Declares Meloni ironically, “with your amendment that says that whoever declares himself homosexual can no longer be repatriated. I would like to ask my colleague Boldrini how to verify if someone is homosexual or not. Why don’t you make an amendment directly by writing something simpler, namely: ‘ The Italian borders are abolished, anyone who wants to come to Italy can do it “, without hiding behind things that have nothing to do with it. It’s not just me who will have fleets of rainbow-flagged ships starting tomorrow. And is it not discrimination? “.
“There are no true answers“concludes Meloni. “The only true answer is that they are a majority of crazy, cynical and irresponsible, and history will judge them. History will judge them for that.“.