
In the end the “penalty shooters” win: the courts are closed, curfew at 10 pm, opening of restaurants in the yellow areas, but only for lunch. IT IS prohibition to move of his municipality in the days of Christmas me New Year. the Dpcm Christmas, although the long night summit between premieres Giuseppe Conte, ministers and heads of delegation on the issue of movements between regions was the toughest confrontation. Diplomatic solution: we will talk about it again with a special Dpcm, “to cover the regulations adopted at the constitutional level,” explains the Corriere della Sera.
The bottom of Palazzo Chigi speaks of a Roberto Speranza that by opposing any repeal on open restaurants and trips to find relatives, he warned those present under the risk of third wave. Leaving space for the “coexistence of the holidays”, suggested the Minister of Health, we will face an “even more serious” situation than the current one in terms of outbreaks, infections and victims. “Without rigor, it would be a devastating sign when we start the vaccination campaign ”, explained the LeU minister to his colleagues. A gloomy scenario that Conte tried to mediate, who at least in second homes would want softer measures. Italy Long Live, that with the ministers Bellanova me Bonetti fought for the safe reopening of restaurants