returns from out of office, to the table in 10 and exceptions only for grandparents


With the new Dpcm December 3 with the Christmas 2020 rules, from December 21, movements between regions in the yellow zone will only be able to return to the place of residence and, perhaps, home. But there are still two possibilities under discussion: granting the right to move only for “proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons” (thus avoiding the possibility of moving between regions and municipalities even at Christmas and New Years) or granting exemptions for close relatives and the elderly alone.

The new Dpcm December 3 with the Christmas 2020 rules: return only to residence and domicile

The provision has not been included among the topics to be debated in the council of ministers tonight and this may mean that tomorrow is the right day for the launch. The stop to travel between municipalities could be valid on December 25 and 26 and January 1, while the curfew will be confirmed at 10 p.m. and the possibility of allowing shops to close at 9 p.m. is being considered. : 00 hours. On the other hand, the government could allow the opening of restaurants for lunch at Christmas and the measures will design a “reinforced yellow zone” with quarantine for those who return from abroad. However, there is no agreement in the government on the exceptions. “It will not be possible to reach grandparents at Christmas. That’s right, we have to protect them,” explains a government source to Adnkronos while other sources say exactly the opposite, that is, the only exception will be for the elderly alone and others. instead, they strive to see grandparents and grandmothers as the object of the only family reunification the government wants to allow. The fixed points will be:

  • the curfew confirmed without exceptions until 10 p.m. even at Christmas and New Years with the prohibition of mobility also for the yellow zones from before Christmas (perhaps December 21) until after Befana: the decision on the dates has not yet been taken;
  • a travel ban between regions with a mobility ban also for yellow zones;
  • the number of guests that can be invited to the house during the holidays: there will be a “strong recommendation” not to host people who do not live together; second Republic the limit of guests to the table will be set at 10 people;
  • Residents of origin will be allowed to return to their residence or home for study or work reasons;
  • the possibility of going to second homes if they are in the yellow zone is discussed;
  • If the total movement ban is confirmed after December 21, it will be necessary to anticipate the trip by three days (assuming you are in an area where there is freedom of movement and reach an equal one) in three days (but this could be later prohibited );

The newspaper explains that at the top of Palazzo Chigl there is still debate about the limits of dinners and parties: the line of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza is to recommend that only the households that live together at the table are present while Conte wants to follow the “German” line. , which provides for a ceiling of ten people. Always second Republic the “advice” will be not to exceed ten diners, obviously favoring the closest family unit, adopting particular precautions for the elderly and the most fragile: stay as far away from children as possible, without breaking the rule of distancing and always keeping The mask should be removed only for the necessary time on the table.

At the table of 10, curfew and exemptions only for grandparents: the Christmas appetizer 2020

Given the schedule and curfew also on Christmas and New Years, the newspaper concludes, therefore, it will only be possible to have a 2020 Christmas aperitif that will be concluded very soon. And even the lagoons will be prohibited: the hotels in the mountains will remain open, but to avoid the festivities and end-of-the-year celebrations at 6 p.m. on December 31, the restaurants in the hotels -like the rest of the country’s restaurants – must close their doors. , and only room service will be given. Therefore, the possibility of circumventing the ban on dining out at Christmas and New Year’s Eve by reserving a hotel room disappears. With this in mind, the closure of the ski resorts will be confirmed and cruise ships will also stop.

For restaurants, however, surprisingly, the government has opened the possibility of opening for lunch at Christmas and New Years. However, the 18:00 deadline and the usual rules will remain:

  • no more than four people at the table;
  • obligation to wear masks when moving around the facilities;
  • obligation to keep clients’ names in the attendance register for 14 days;

Take away food activity is always allowed until 10 at night, with prohibition, however, to stop to consume near the restaurant, and the home. A relaxation must of the restrictive measures that will be adopted for Christmas 2020 and the end of the year will only be possible after January 15, as explained by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza to the presidents of the Regions, “but only based on the retention capacity during the Christmas holidays, “he said. After the holidays, the government will make an evaluation of the parameters and decide what to do. The reason for the need for restrictions even during the holidays is given today by the Republic:

The explanation lies in a trivial mathematical calculation, obviously also known by the CTS: last August the relaxation of the rules coincided with a limited number of positives in circulation (a few tens of thousands), while the current figures speak of almost eight hundred thousand active cases. . It is the mirror of a potential number, the number of patients in circulation: the weekly average is thirty thousand a day. Therefore, it is enough that the Rt contagion index goes back above 1.5 and in February we will be hit by a potentially more devastating third wave. “Without rules – Conte admits – it would hit us in the face”

Second The impression is the prime minister who would like to obtain an exemption for the reunification of children with their parents, and perhaps also for “relatives” who live in different regions, but the other ministers do not agree: “On the other hand – explains a source government of the rigorist wing -, if we allow meetings we cannot also open to those who go on vacation, otherwise everyone is free and we run the risk of having between 8 and 10 million Italians traveling, with meetings on trains and buses “. In the new Dpcm, shopping centers should also reopen during the weekend, although several regions have expressed concern about the impossibility of managing access flows and large cities are studying entrance fees and barriers on shopping streets.

Also for the messenger At the government table there is still the possibility of spending Christmas (despite the closure of regional borders) with elderly parents, grandparents, first-degree relatives living in another Region. And for external students to go home. According to the newspaper, the prime minister, who fears for “the psychological stability of the country”, has not closed the door. Speranza and Boccia, for their part, showed their determination not to grant exemptions to avoid “Christmas migrations and spread of the infection.” And because, as a source who follows the dossier told the newspaper, “allowing family reunification would cause interpretive chaos and the impossibility of controls.”

The eventuality of reopening the school on December 14, as the prime minister put it (“As a symbolic gesture,” Conte reasoned), is considered difficult. Minister Speranza will present in Parliament today the guidelines of the new restrictive anti-Covid measures, which will be valid from December 21 to January 6. Then, before the CDM meeting, which will also discuss the decree necessary to limit travel, there must be a new confrontation with the regions. The launch is scheduled for today afternoon or tomorrow morning. Palazzo Chigi has decided to draft an ad hoc decree, which will go to the Official Gazette together with the Dpcm and will serve to “cover” the limitation of personal freedoms from a constitutional point of view. The decree will also have to extend the useful life of the Dpcm, which so far has been only 30 days.
